DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

partial_record - Partial Record monitor element

Indicates that an event monitor record is only a partial record.

Table 1. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database event_db -
Tables event_table -
Tablespaces event_tablespace -
Bufferpools event_bufferpool -
Connection event_conn -
Statements event_stmt -
Statements event_subsection -
Transactions event_xact -
Activities event_activity -


Most event monitors do not output their results until database deactivation. You can use the FLUSH EVENT MONITOR <monitorName> statement to force monitor values to the event monitor output writer. This allows you to force event monitor records to the writer without needing to stop and restart the event monitor. This element indicates whether an event monitor record was the result of flush operation and so is a partial record.

Flushing an event monitor does not cause its values to be reset. This means that a complete event monitor record is still generated when the event monitor is triggered.

At the event_activity logical data grouping, the possible values of partial_record monitor element are:
The activity record was generated normally at the end of activity.
The activity record was generated as a result of calling the WLM_CAPTURE_ACTIVITY_IN_PROGRESS stored procedure.
Information is missing for this activity because not enough storage was available to create the records. Information may be missing from the event_activity, event_activitystmt, or event_activityvals records.