DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

stmt_sys_cpu_time - System CPU Time used by Statement monitor element

The total system CPU time (in seconds and microseconds) used by the currently executing statement.

Element identifier
Element type
Table 1. Snapshot Monitoring Information
Snapshot Level Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Application appl Statement, Timestamp
Application stmt Statement, Timestamp
This element along with the other related CPU-time elements can help you understand the level of activity within an application, and can help you identify applications that could benefit from additional tuning.

This counter includes time spent on both SQL and non-SQL statements, as well as any unfenced user defined functions (UDF) or stored procedures executed by the application.

System CPU represents the time spent in system calls. User CPU represents time spent executing database manager code.

Note: If this information is not available for your operating system, this element will be set to 0.