DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

stmt_type - Statement type monitor element

The type of statement processed.

Table 1. Snapshot Monitoring Information
Snapshot Level Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Application stmt Statement
Table 2. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Locking - -
Deadlocks with Details1 event_detailed_dlconn -
Statements event_stmt -
Activities event_activitystmt -
This option has been deprecated. Its use is no longer recommended and might be removed in a future release. Use the CREATE EVENT MONITOR FOR LOCKING statement to monitor lock-related events, such as lock timeouts, lock waits, and deadlocks.


You can use this element to determine the type of statement that is executing. It can be one of the following:
  • A static SQL statement
  • A dynamic SQL statement
  • An operation other than an SQL statement; for example, a bind or pre-compile operation.
For the snapshot monitor, this element describes the statement that is currently being processed or was most recently processed.
Note: API users should refer to the sqlmon.h header file containing definitions of database system monitor constants.