DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

rows_selected - Rows Selected monitor element

This is the number of rows that have been selected and returned to the application.

Table 1. Snapshot Monitoring Information
Snapshot Level Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database dbase Basic
Database dbase_remote Basic
Application appl Basic
Application appl_remote Basic
For snapshot monitoring, this counter can be reset.
Table 2. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database event_db -
Connection event_conn -
You can use this element to gain insight into the current level of activity within the database.

This element does not include a count of rows read for actions such as COUNT(*) or joins.

For a federated system;, you can compute the average time to return a row to the federated server from the data source:
   average time = rows returned / aggregate query response time
You can use these results to modify CPU speed or communication speed parameters in SYSCAT.SERVERS. Modifying these parameters can impact whether the optimizer does or does not send requests to the data source.
Note: This element is collected at the dcs_dbase and dcs_appl snapshot monitor logical data groups if the gateway being monitored is at DB2® database version 7.2 or lower.