DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

pool_async_write_time - Buffer pool asynchronous write time monitor element

The total elapsed time spent writing data or index pages from the buffer pool to disk by database manager page cleaners. This value is reported in milliseconds.

Table 1. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE
Table 2. Snapshot Monitoring Information
Snapshot Level Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database dbase Buffer Pool
Table Space tablespace Buffer Pool
Buffer Pool bufferpool Buffer Pool
For snapshot monitoring, this counter can be reset.
Table 3. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database event_db -
Tablespaces event_tablespace -


To calculate the elapsed time spent writing pages synchronously, use the following formula:
 pool_write_time - pool_async_write_time
You can also use this element to calculate the average asynchronous write time using the following formula:
  / (pool_async_data_writes 
    + pool_async_index_writes)

These calculations can be used to understand the I/O work being performed.