DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

outbound_appl_id - Outbound Application ID monitor element

This identifier is generated when the application connects to the DRDA® host database. It is used to connect the DB2 Connect™ gateway to the host, while the appl_id monitor element is used to connect a client to the DB2 Connect gateway.

Note: NetBIOS is no longer supported. SNA, including its APIs APPC, APPN, and CPI-C, is also no longer supported. If you use these protocols, you must recatalog your nodes and databases using a supported protocol such as TCP/IP. References to these protocols should be ignored.
Element identifier
Element type
Table 1. Snapshot Monitoring Information
Snapshot Level Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
DCS Application dcs_appl_info Basic


You may use this element in conjunction with appl_id to correlate the client and server parts of the application information.

This identifier is unique across the network.

This element will be blank when the gateway concentrator is on, or if the DCS application is not in a logical unit of work.
Network.LU Name.Application instance
This application ID is the displayable format of an actual SNA LUWID (Logical Unit-of-Work ID) that flows on the network when an APPC conversation is allocated. APPC-generated application IDs are made up by concatenating the network name, the LU name, and the LUWID instance number, which creates a unique label for the client/server application. The network name and LU name can each be a maximum of 8 characters. The application instance corresponds to the 12-decimal-character LUWID instance number.