DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Rolling forward changes in a table space

If the database is enabled for forward recovery, you have the option of backing up, restoring, and rolling forward table spaces instead of the entire database. You might want to implement a recovery strategy for individual table spaces because this can save time: it takes less time to recover a portion of the database than it does to recover the entire database. For example, if a disk is bad, and it contains only one table space, that table space can be restored and rolled forward without having to recover the entire database, and without impacting user access to the rest of the database, unless the damaged table space contains the system catalog tables; in this situation, you cannot connect to the database. (The system catalog table space can be restored independently if a table space-level backup image containing the system catalog table space is available.) Table space-level backups also allow you to back up critical parts of the database more frequently than other parts, and requires less time than backing up the entire database.

After a table space is restored, it is always in rollforward pending state. To make the table space usable, you must perform rollforward recovery on it. In most cases, you have the option of rolling forward to the end of the logs, or rolling forward to a point in time. You cannot, however, roll table spaces containing system catalog tables forward to a point in time. These table spaces must be rolled forward to the end of the logs to ensure that all table spaces in the database remain consistent.

When a table space is rolled forward, DB2® will process all log files even if they do not contain log records that affect that table space. To skip the log files known not to contain any log records affecting the table space, set the DB2_COLLECT_TS_REC_INFO registry variable to ON. This is the default value. To ensure that the information required for skipping log files is collected, the registry variable must be set before the log files are created and used.

The table space change history file (DB2TSCHG.HIS), located in the database directory, keeps track of which logs should be processed for each table space. You can view the contents of this file using the db2logsForRfwd utility, and delete entries from it using the PRUNE HISTORY command. During a database restore operation, DB2TSCHG.HIS is restored from the backup image and then brought up to date during the database rollforward operation. If no information is available for a log file, it is treated as though it is required for the recovery of every table space.

Since information for each log file is flushed to disk after the log becomes inactive, this information can be lost as a result of a crash. To compensate for this, if a recovery operation begins in the middle of a log file, the entire log is treated as though it contains modifications to every table space in the system. After this, the active logs will be processed and the information for them will be rebuilt. If information for older or archived log files is lost in a crash situation and no information for them exists in the data file, they will be treated as though they contain modifications for every table space during the table space recovery operation.

Before rolling a table space forward, invoke the LIST TABLESPACES SHOW DETAIL command. This command returns the minimum recovery time, which is the earliest point in time to which the table space can be rolled forward. The minimum recovery time is updated when data definition language (DDL) statements are run against the table space, or against tables in the table space. The table space must be rolled forward to at least the minimum recovery time, so that it becomes synchronized with the information in the system catalog tables. If recovering more than one table space, the table spaces must be rolled forward to at least the highest minimum recovery time of all the table spaces being recovered. You cannot roll a table space forward to a time that is earlier than the backup time stamp. In a partitioned database environment, issue the LIST TABLESPACES SHOW DETAIL command on all database partitions. The table spaces must be rolled forward to at least the highest minimum recovery time of all the table spaces on all database partitions.

If you are rolling table spaces forward to a point in time, and a table is contained in multiple table spaces, all of these table spaces must be rolled forward simultaneously. If, for example, the table data is contained in one table space, and the index for the table is contained in another table space, you must roll both table spaces forward simultaneously to the same point in time.

If the data and the long objects in a table are in separate table spaces, and the long object data has been reorganized, the table spaces for both the data and the long objects must be restored and rolled forward together. You should take a backup of the affected table spaces after the table is reorganized.

If you want to roll a table space forward to a point in time, and a table in the table space is either: You should roll both table spaces forward to the same point in time. If you do not, the materialized query or staging table is placed in set integrity pending state at the end of the rollforward operation. The materialized query table will need to be fully refreshed, and the staging table will be marked as incomplete.
If you want to roll a table space forward to a point in time, and a table in the table space participates in a referential integrity relationship with another table that is contained in another table space, you should roll both table spaces forward simultaneously to the same point in time. If you do not, the child table in the referential integrity relationship will be placed in set integrity pending state at the end of the rollforward operation. When the child table is later checked for constraint violations, a check on the entire table is required. If any of the following tables exist, they will also be placed in set integrity pending state with the child table: These tables will require full integrity processing to bring them out of the set integrity pending state. If you roll both table spaces forward simultaneously, the constraint will remain active at the end of the point-in-time rollforward operation.
Ensure that a point-in-time table space rollforward operation does not cause a transaction to be rolled back in some table spaces, and committed in others. This can happen if: The solution is to find a suitable point in time that will prevent this from happening.

You can issue the QUIESCE TABLESPACES FOR TABLE command to create a transaction-consistent point in time for rolling table spaces forward. The quiesce request (in share, intent to update, or exclusive mode) waits (through locking) for all running transactions against those table spaces to complete, and blocks new requests. When the quiesce request is granted, the table spaces are in a consistent state. To determine a suitable time to stop the rollforward operation, you can look in the recovery history file to find quiesce points, and check whether they occur after the minimum recovery time.

After a table space point-in-time rollforward operation completes, the table space is put in backup pending state. You must take a backup of the table space, because all updates made to it between the point in time to which you rolled forward and the current time have been removed. You can no longer roll the table space forward to the current time from a previous database- or table space-level backup image. The following example shows why the table space-level backup image is required, and how it is used. (To make the table space available, you can either back up the entire database, the table space that is in backup pending state, or a set of table spaces that includes the table space that is in backup pending state.)

Figure 1. Table Space Backup Requirement
Database                            Time of rollforward of    Restore
backup                              table space TABSP1 to     database.
                                    T2. Back up TABSP1.       Roll forward
                                                              to end of logs.
T1             T2                   T3                        T4
|              |                    |                         |
|              |                    |                         |
               | Logs are not
                 applied to TABSP1
                 between T2 and T3
                 when it is rolled
                 forward to T2.

In the preceding example, the database is backed up at time T1. Then, at time T3, table space TABSP1 is rolled forward to a specific point in time (T2), The table space is backed up after time T3. Because the table space is in backup pending state, this backup operation is mandatory. The time stamp of the table space backup image is after time T3, but the table space is at time T2. Log records from between T2 and T3 are not applied to TABSP1. At time T4, the database is restored, using the backup image created at T1, and rolled forward to the end of the logs. Table space TABSP1 is put in restore pending state at time T3, because the database manager assumes that operations were performed on TABSP1 between T3 and T4 without the log changes between T2 and T3 having been applied to the table space. If these log changes were in fact applied as part of the rollforward operation against the database, this assumption would be incorrect. The table space-level backup that must be taken after the table space is rolled forward to a point in time allows you to roll that table space forward past a previous point-in-time rollforward operation (T3 in the example).

Assuming that you want to recover table space TABSP1 to T4, you would restore the table space from a backup image that was taken after T3 (either the required backup, or a later one), then roll TABSP1 forward to the end of the logs.

In the preceding example, the most efficient way of restoring the database to time T4 would be to perform the required steps in the following order:

  1. Restore the database.
  2. Restore the table space.
  3. Roll the database forward.
  4. Roll the table space forward.

Because you restore the table space before rolling the database forward, resource is not used to apply log records to the table space when the database is rolled forward.

If you cannot find the TABSP1 backup image that follows time T3, or you want to restore TABSP1 to T3 (or earlier), you can:
In a partitioned database environment:
In a database with partitioned tables: