DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

db2inspf - Format inspect results command

This utility formats the data from INSPECT CHECK results into ASCII format. Use this utility to see details of the inspection. The formatting by the db2inspf utility can be for a table or a table space, and errors, warnings, and summary can be specified either alone or in any combination thereof.


Anyone can access the utility, but users must have read permission on the results file in order to execute this utility against them.

Required connection


Command syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
                                  V                          |   
                                    +- -tsi--tablespace-id-+     
                                    +- -ti--table-id-------+     
                                    +- -e------------------+     
                                    +- -s------------------+     
                                    '- -w------------------'     

Command Parameters

The unformatted inspection results file to format.
The output file for the formatted output.
-tsi tablespace-id
Table space ID. Format out only for tables in this table space.
-ti table-id
Table ID. Format out only for table with this ID, table space ID must also be provided.
Format out errors only.
Summary only.
Warnings only.


To format all errors, warnings and summaries from the data file tbschk.log, execute the following:
db2inspf tbschk.log tbschk_esw.txt -e -s -w