Configuring IOCP (AIX)

Configuring I/O completion ports (IOCPs) on AIX® servers is not required for the installation of Db2® software. However, this configuration step is recommended for performance purposes. You need to perform these steps on each host you want to participate in the Db2 instance. AIX 5.3 TL9 SP2 and AIX 6.1 TL2 have the I/O completion ports (IOCP) file set included as part of the base installation. However, if the minimum operating system requirements were applied using an operating system upgrade rather than using a new operating system installation, you must configure I/O completion ports (IOCP) separately.

Before you begin

Install the Db2 software by running the db2setup command, which enables IOCP and sets the status of the IOCP port to Available.


To configure IOCP:

  1. To check whether the IOCP module is installed on your system, enter the following command:
     $ lslpp -l bos.iocp.rte
    The output should be similar to that in the following example:
    Fileset                     Level     State       Description
    Path: /usr/lib/objrepos
      bos.iocp.rte       APPLIED     I/O Completion Ports API
    Path: /etc/objrepos
      bos.iocp.rte      COMMITTED   I/O Completion Ports API
  2. Check whether the status of the IOCP port is Available by entering the following command:
    $ lsdev -Cc iocp
    The output should be as follows:
     iocp0 Available  I/O Completion Ports
  3. If the IOCP port status is Defined, perform the following steps:
    1. Log in to the server as root.
    2. Enter the following command:
      # smitty iocp
    3. Select Change / Show Characteristics of I/O Completion Ports.
    4. At system restart, change the configured state from Defined to Available.
    5. Make the state change effective by either rebooting the system or entering the cfgmgr command.
    6. Confirm that the status of the IOCP port changed to Available"by entering the following command again:
      $ lsdev -Cc iocp