db2prereqcheck - Check installation prerequisites

Checks whether your system meets the prerequisites for the installation of a specific version of Db2®.

By using this command, you can determine whether your system satisfies the prerequisites before you begin the installation process. Please note you must download the installation media to run db2prereqcheck Db2 and start the installation process.

The db2prereqcheck command uses a resource XML file that contains the prerequisites. The default path of the XML file for Linux® and UNIX is located in DB2 installation/cfg/DB2prereqs.xml. You must have read or write permissions on the XML file. Do not modify the contents of the XML file.
Note: If you do not specify any options for the db2prereqcheck command, both Db2 pureScale®and non Db2 pureScale server prerequisites are checked for all Db2 versions listed in the DB2prereqs.xml file.

No error from db2prereqcheck does not mean the current environment is supported or tested. For the most up-to-date installation requirements for data server products, see System requirements for IBM® Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows.


Root user or non-root user authority is required on Linux and UNIX operating systems.

Command Syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramdb2prereqcheck-vversion-l-fxml_file-c-pDB2-pureScale-options-hlhost-name-tb_devdevice-ooutput-file-s
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram-t SINGLE_IB_PORT_CLUSTERMULT_IB_PORT_CLUSTERSINGLE_ROCE_PORT_CLUSTERMULTI_ROCE_PORT_CLUSTER -hl,host-name-dl,device-iuinstance_user-tb_devdevice-nm,netname-adapter_listadapter_list_filename
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram-u-g-i
Note: db2prereqcheck checks TSA's prerequisites related to Db2 pureScale environments. Installing TSA is mandatory related to Db2 pureScale. Therefore, it will output an error if TSA's prerequisites are not met related to Db2 pureScale and ensure you meet all the requirements for TSA.

Command Parameters

-v version
Checks the prerequisites for a specific Db2 version. The -i and -v parameters are mutually exclusive.
Checks the prerequisites related to Db2 pureScale and unrelated to Db2 pureScale environments for the latest Db2 version that is defined in the XML resource file. The -l and -v parameters are mutually exclusive. The -l parameter will not print any output to the screen if all prerequisites are met.
-f xml-file
Specifies the name of the XML resource file. If you do not specify the -f parameter, the DB2 installation/cfg/DB2prereqs.xml file is used.
Checks the prerequisites for thin client.
The -c, -u, -g, and -p parameters are mutually exclusive.
Checks the prerequisites for the Db2 pureScale environment (Linux and AIX® operating systems only). This is the default option.
The -c, -u, -g, and -p parameters are mutually exclusive.
Important: To validate prerequisites requirement for a specific network configuration of a Db2 pureScale installation, the -t network configuration type option must be specified along with this option.
-o output-file
Specifies a name for the output file such as db2prereqcheck.rpt. If you do not specify a filename the output is displayed on the screen.
Prints prerequisite validation summary on screen.
Checks the uDAPL requirement for the Db2 pureScale environment (Linux and AIX operating systems only).
The -c, -u, -g, and -p parameters are mutually exclusive.

On RoCE networks, you must manually ensure that the AIX and uDAPL software prerequisites are satisfied. The db2prereqcheck command does not validate the levels of the AIX and uDAPL software.

Checks the GPL compilation requirement (Linux operating systems only).
The -c, -u, -g, and -p parameters are mutually exclusive.
Specify the -v or -l parameter.
Checks the prerequisites that are unrelated to Db2 pureScale environments for the latest Db2 version that you defined in the XML resource file. The -i and -v parameters are mutually exclusive.
Validates the prerequisites for a specific type of network configuration (Linux operating systems only)
The network configuration type must be a single InfiniBand port cluster, multiple InfiniBand port cluster, single RoCE port cluster, or multiple RoCE port cluster (SINGLE_IB_PORT_CLUSTER, MULTI_IB_PORT_CLUSTER, SINGLE_ROCE_PORT_CLUSTER or MULTI_ROCE_PORT_CLUSTER)
-hl host-name
Specifies a list of hosts that are checked for passwordless root SSH access between all hosts.
-dl device
Specifies one or more device paths of the shared disks that are verified in order to make sure that they are accessible by all hosts. If you specify this parameter, you must also specify the -hl parameter.

For example: /dev/hdisk2; /dev/dm-0

ex: /dev/hdisk2; /dev/dm-0
-adapter_list adapter_list_filename
Specifies the file name that contains the list of hostname(s), netname(s), adapter name(s), or each of the host to verify the network connectivity between all the hosts are pingable using RDMA. A full path to the adapter_list filename must be specified. Starting from Db2 V11.1.3.3, the MAC addresses of each adapter port for each host is also required in order to setup the routes correctly to verify the RDMA network connectivity among all hosts' adapters. This is only required on pureScale configured with RoCE network on Linux. For any configuration with other supported network types such as (Infiniband or TCP/IP sockets) on Linux or any configuration on AIX, specify a value of 0 as MAC address for each row in the input file suffices.
The input file must have the following format:
#Hostname    Netname         Interface-Adapter    Mac-Address
hostname1    netname1-ib0    deviceName-1         macAddress-1
hostname2    netname2-ib1    deviceName-2         macAddress-2
hostname3    netname3-ib2    deviceName-3         macAddress-3
#Hostname          Netname                    Interface-Adapter          Mac-Address                                           
machine110         machine110-ib0             hca1                       A4:1B:2C:73:83:B1                                        
machine111         machine111-ib0             hca1                       A4:1B:2C:73:83:B2                               
machine112         machine112-ib0             hca1                       A4:1B:2C:73:83:B3       
Refer to /etc/dat.conf to find the Interface-Adapter name. For example:
from /etc/dat.conf: 
hca0 u1.2 nonthreadsafe default /usr/lib/libdapl/libdapl.a(shr_64.o) IBM.1.1 "/dev/iba0 1 ib0"

where hca1 is the device name of your adapter.

Refer to the "ifconfig -a" command to find the Mac-Address. For Example:
 ib0      Link encap:InfiniBand  HWaddr A4:1B:2C:73:83:B1
                   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
                   inet6 addr: fe80::202:2cff:fe73:83b1/64 Scope:Link
                   UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
                   RX packets:42445113 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
                   TX packets:53370185 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
                   collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
                   RX bytes:4685539133 (4468.4 Mb)  TX bytes:6176996772 (5890.8 Mb)
where A4:1B:2C:73:83:B1 ( HWaddr row ) is the Mac-Address of the adapter.
Note: In the input file, any line that is preceded by # is considered as comment and skipped.
-iu instance_user
Specifies the instance user name. The UID and GID of the instance user name are verified to make sure they are the same across all hosts. If you specify this parameter, you must also specify the -hl parameter.
-tb_dev device

Specifies the device name of the shared disk that is verified for use as the quorum tie-breaker device for the cluster. If you specify this parameter, you must also specify the -hl parameter.

-nm netname
Specifies the list of netnames. These netnames are used to ping the RocE & IB networks to verify that they are pingable between all hosts.


To check whether the system meets the basic pureScale prerequisites for a specific Db2 version, issue the following command:

$ ./db2prereqcheck -p -v -hl <host1,host2..> -dl <shared_disk1,shared_disk2..>
  -iu <user>

To check whether the system meets the comprehensive pureScale prerequisites for a specific type of network configuration (Linux operating systems only) and for a specific Db2 version, issue the following command:

$ ./db2prereqcheck -p -v -hl <host1,host2..> -dl <shared_disk1,shared_disk2..>
  -iu <user> -nm <netname1,netname2..>
To check whether the system meets the prerequisites for Db2 version 11.1, issue the following command:
db2prereqcheck -v -s
To check whether the system meets the prerequisites for the thin client of Db2 Version 10.5, issue the following command:
db2prereqcheck -c -v -s