DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Order of precedence for obtaining database information

Depending on the DB2® product and application you use, connection information can be obtained from different sources in specific order of precedence.

The order of precedence is listed for the following scenarios:
For a CLI or open source application with an IBM® data server client:
  1. The connection string.
  2. Database, node, and DCS directories.
  3. The db2cli.ini file.
  4. The db2dsdriver.cfg file.
◦For a CLI or open source application with an IBM data server driver:
  1. The connection string.
  2. The db2cli.ini file.
  3. The db2dsdriver.cfg file.
◦For a .NET application with an IBM data server client
  1. The connection string or information that is provided through .NET object properties (DB2ConnectionStringBuilder properties).
  2. Database, node, and DCS directories.
  3. The db2dsdriver.cfg file.
◦For a .NET application with an IBM data server driver:
  1. The connection string or information that is provided through .NET object properties (DB2ConnectionStringBuilder properties).
  2. The db2dsdriver.cfg file.
◦For an embedded SQL application with an IBM data server client:
  1. The connection string.
  2. Database, node, and DCS directories.
  3. The db2dsdriver.cfg file.
◦For an embedded SQL application with an IBM data server driver:
  1. The connection string.
  2. The db2dsdriver.cfg file.