DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Typed values and string values of nodes

Each node has both a typed value and a string value. These two node properties are used in the definitions of certain XQuery operations (such as atomization) and functions (such as fn:data, fn:string, and fn:deep-equal).

Table 1. String values and typed values of nodes
Node kind String value Typed value
Document An instance of the xs:string data type that is the concatenated contents of all its descendant text nodes, in document order. An instance of the xdt:untypedAtomic data type that is the concatenated contents of all its descendant text nodes, in document order.
Element in an XML document An instance of the xs:string data type that is the concatenated contents of all its text node descendants in document order. An instance of the xdt:untypedAtomic data type that is the concatenated contents of all its text node descendants in document order.
Attribute in an XML document An instance of the xs:string data type that represents the attribute value in the original XML document. An instance of the xdt:untypedAtomic data type that represents the attribute value in the original XML document.
Text The content as an instance of the xs:string data type. The content as an instance of the xdt:untypedAtomic data type.
Comment The content as an instance of the xs:string data type. The content as an instance of the xs:string data type.
Processing instruction The content as an instance of the xs:string data type. The content as an instance of the xs:string data type.