DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

resolve-QName function

The fn:resolve-QName function converts a string containing a lexical QName into an expanded QName by using the in-scope namespaces of an element to resolve the namespace prefix to a namespace URI.


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A string that is in the form of a qualified name.

qualified-name has the xs:string data type, or is the empty sequence.

An element that provides the in-scope namespaces for qualified-name.

element-for-namespace is an element node.

Returned value

If qualified-name is not the empty sequence, the returned value is an expanded name that is constructed as follows:
  • The prefix and local name of the expanded QName is taken from qualified-name.
  • If qualified-name has a prefix, and that prefix matches a prefix in the in-scope namespaces of element-for-namespace, the namespace URI to which this prefix is bound is the namespace URI for the returned value.
  • If qualified-name has no prefix, and a default namespace URI is defined in the in-scope namespaces of element-for-namespace, this default namespace URI is the namespace URI for the returned value.
  • If qualified-name has no prefix, and no default namespace URI is defined in the in-scope namespaces of element-for-namespace, the returned value has no namespace URI.
  • If the prefix for qualified-name does not match a namespace prefix in the in-scope namespaces of element-for-namespace, or qualified-name is not in the form of a valid qualified name, an error is returned.

If qualified-name is the empty sequence, the empty sequence is returned.


The following query returns the expanded QName that corresponds to the URI http://www.mycompany.com and the lexical QName comp:dept:
declare namespace d="http://www.mycompany.com";
let $department := document {
<comp:dept xmlns:comp="http://www.mycompany.com" id="A07">
  <comp:emp id="31201" />
</comp:dept> }
return fn:resolve-QName("comp:dept", $department/d:dept/d:emp)