DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Changes to database configuration parameters

DB2® Version 10.5 contains a number of new and changed database configuration parameters.


New database configuration parameters
Due to new features and functionality, Version 10.5 contains a number of new database configuration parameters.
Table 1. New Version 10.5 database configuration parameters
Parameter name Description Details
CF self-tuning memory CF self-tuning memory In DB2 Version 10.5 Fix Pack 5 and later fix packs, in a DB2 pureScale® environment, this read-only database configuration parameter indicates whether CF self-tuning memory is enabled or disabled for a database by showing ON or OFF values.
extended_row_sz Extended row size This parameter specifies whether a table definition can exceed the maximum row length of the page.
dft_table_org Default table organization configuration parameter This configuration parameter specifies whether a user table is created as a column-organized table (value COLUMN) or a row-organized table (value ROW) if you do not specify the ORGANIZE BY COLUMN or the ORGANIZE BY ROW clause for the CREATE TABLE statement.
nchar_mapping National character mapping This parameter determines the data type mapping for national character string data types in Unicode databases.
opt_direct_wrkld Optimize directed workload This database configuration parameter enables or disables explicit hierarchical locking (EHL). It affects the database across the entire DB2 pureScale instance.
page_age_trgt_gcr Page age target group crash recovery This configuration parameter specifies the target duration (in seconds) for changed pages to be kept in the group buffer pool before the pages are persisted to disk or the caching facility. This parameter applies only to DB2 pureScale instances.
page_age_trgt_mcr Page age target member crash recovery This configuration parameter specifies the target duration (in seconds) for changed pages to be kept in the local buffer pool before they are persisted to table space storage, or for DB2 pureScale instances, to table space storage or to the group buffer pool.
string_units Default string units This parameter specifies the default string units that are used when you are defining character data types and graphic data types.
Changed database configuration parameters

The following database configuration parameters have changed behaviors, new ranges, or new values in Version 10.5.

Table 2. Database configuration parameters with changed behaviors, new ranges, or new values
Parameter name Description Details
db_mem_thresh Database memory threshold configuration parameter In Version 10.5, the default value for db_mem_thresh is changed from 10 to 100 for new (not upgraded) databases.
hadr_spool_limit HADR log spool limit configuration parameter In Version 10.5, the default value for hadr_spool_limit is changed from 0 (disabled) to AUTOMATIC. For more information, see HADR log spooling is now enabled by default.
hadr_syncmode HADR synchronization mode for log write in peer state configuration parameter In Version 10.5, the default value for hadr_syncmode is changed from NEARSYNC to ASYNC for DB2 pureScale databases. For all other database types, the default for hadr_syncmode remains NEARSYNC.
hadr_target_list HADR target list configuration parameter In Version 10.5, initializing HADR without setting this parameter is deprecated. You should set this parameter regardless of the number of standby databases as part of the initialization process. For more details, see Initializing HADR has changed.
sortheap Sort heap size configuration parameter In Version 10.5, the default value for sortheap is changed from 4 194 303 to 4 294 967 295 for 64-bit platforms.
cf_gbp_sz cf_gbp_sz - Group buffer pool configuration parameter In DB2 Cancun Release and later fix packs, these three database configuration parameters are interdependent. A change to any one of these parameters immediately affects the others.

Changing any of these parameters to AUTOMATIC, immediately changes the value of all three parameters to AUTOMATIC.

Changing any one of these parameters from AUTOMATIC to a fixed value causes the other two parameters to change to their last computed memory value. In addition, if CF self-tuning memory is explicitly enabled, changing the value of any of these parameters from AUTOMATIC to a fixed numeric value also causes self-tuning memory to be disabled. For details about CF self-tuning memory, see DB2 V10.5 FP5: CF self-tuning memory eliminates out of memory conditions.

cf_lock_sz cf_lock_sz - CF Lock manager configuration parameter
cf_sca_sz cf_sca_sz - Shared communication area configuration parameter


Take advantage of enhanced functionality or new features by adopting new functionality through the use of new database configuration parameters or new values for existing database configuration parameters.

For new database configuration parameters or changes to existing database configuration parameters that result in DB2 server behavior changes, adjust your existing applications or scripts.

Review the list of deprecated and discontinued database configuration parameters to determine additional changes that might impact your applications and scripts.