DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

MON_GET_USAGE_LIST_STATUS table function - Returns the status on a usage list

The MON_GET_USAGE_LIST_STATUS table function returns current status of a usage list.


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The schema is SYSPROC.

Table function parameters

An input argument of type VARCHAR(128) that specifies a valid schema name in the currently connected database when calling this function. If the argument is NULL or an empty string, usage lists are retrieved in all schemas in the database. If the argument is specified, usage lists are only returned for the specified schema.
An input argument of type VARCHAR(128) that specifies a usage list that resides in the currently connected database when calling this function. If usagelistname is NULL or an empty string, then the status for all usage lists from the schemas identified by the usagelistschema that exist are retrieved. If specified, only the status for the usage list specified from the schemas identified by the usagelistschema is returned.
An input argument of type INTEGER that specifies a valid member in the same instance as the currently connected database when calling this function. Specify -1 for the current database member, or -2 for all active database members. If the NULL value is specified, -1 is set implicitly.


One of the following authorities is required to execute the routine:
  • EXECUTE privilege on the routine
  • DATAACCESS authority
  • DBADM authority
  • SQLADM authority

Default PUBLIC privilege


Usage notes

The MON_GET_USAGE_LIST_STATUS function does not report information about usage lists that are in the released state. A usage list is considered to be in the released state if it is defined and has not been activated (explicitly or automatically) or has been released using the SET USAGE LIST STATE statement.

If a usage list is activated (explicitly or automatically) then the state of the usage list is set to activation pending and the memory allocation for the usage list is deferred until the table or index for which the usage list is defined is first referenced by a section. At which point the state of the usage list is set to active. If the memory for the usage list cannot be allocated, then the state of the usage list is set to failed and it must be explicitly activated using the SET USAGE LIST STATE statement.

Information returned

Table 1. Information returned for MON_GET_USAGE_LIST_STATUS
Column Name Data Type Description
USAGELISTSCHEMA VARCHAR(128) usage_list_schema - Usage list schema
USAGELISTNAME VARCHAR(128) usage_list_name - Usage list name
OBJECTSCHEMA VARCHAR(128) object_schema - Object schema
OBJECTNAME VARCHAR(128) object_name - Object name
OBJECTTYPE CHAR(1) Type of object. One of:
  • I - For Index
  • T - For Table
MEMBER SMALLINT member - Database member
DATA_PARTITION_ID INTEGER data_partition_id - Data partition identifier
STATE CHAR(1) usage_list_state - Usage list state
LAST_STATE_CHANGE TIMESTAMP usage_list_last_state_change - Last state change
LIST_SIZE INTEGER usage_list_size - Usage list size
USED_ENTRIES INTEGER usage_list_used_entries - Usage list used entries
LIST_MEM_SIZE INTEGER usage_list_mem_size - Usage list memory size
WRAPPED CHAR(1) usage_list_wrapped - Usage list wrap indicator