DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

ENV_INST_INFO administrative view - Retrieve information about the current instance

The ENV_INST_INFO administrative view returns information about the current instance.

The schema is SYSIBMADM.


One of the following authorizations is required:
  • SELECT privilege on the ENV_INST_INFO administrative view
  • CONTROL privilege on the ENV_INST_INFO administrative view
  • DATAACCESS authority
  • DBADM authority
  • SQLADM authority

Default PUBLIC privilege

In a non-restrictive database, SELECT privilege is granted to PUBLIC when the view is automatically created.


Request information about the current instance.
The following is an example of output for this query.
-----------...---- --------------------- ---------------- ------------- ...
DB2                                    0                1            32 ...

  1 record(s) selected.
Output for this query (continued).
... -----------...--- --------------...--- ----------...--- ----...--- -----------
... 01010107          DB2 v9.1.0.115       n051106                               0

Information returned

Table 1. Information returned by the ENV_INST_INFO administrative view
Column name Data type Description
INST_NAME VARCHAR(128) Name of the current instance.
IS_INST_PARTITIONABLE SMALLINT Indicates whether or not the current instance is a partitionable database server instance. Possible return values are 0 if it is not a partitionable database server instance, and 1 if it is a partitionable database server instance.
NUM_DBPARTITIONS INTEGER Number of database partitions. If it is not a partitioned database environment, returns a value of 1.
INST_PTR_SIZE INTEGER Bit size of the current instance (32 or 64).
RELEASE_NUM VARCHAR(128) Internal release number, as returned by the db2level command; for example, 03030106.
SERVICE_LEVEL VARCHAR(128) service_level - Service Level monitor element
BLD_LEVEL VARCHAR(128) Build level, as returned by the db2level command; for example, n041021.
PTF VARCHAR(128) Program temporary fix (PTF) identifier, as returned by the db2level command; for example, U498350.
FIXPACK_NUM INTEGER Fix Pack number, as returned by the db2level command; for example, 9.
NUM_MEMBERS INTEGER The number of members on this instance.