DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

MON_INTERVAL_ID global variable

This built-in global variable contains the identifier for the current monitoring interval.

This global variable has the following characteristics:
  • It is read-only, with values maintained by system.
  • The type is BIGINT.
  • The schema is SYSIBM.
  • The scope of this global variable is database.

The MON_INTERVAL_ID global variable facilitates the collection and aggregation of monitoring data by external monitoring applications. The value of this global variable is intended to be set by monitoring tools. However, you can increment the value by using the MON_INCREMENT_INTERVAL_ID procedure.

The value of the MON_INTERVAL_ID global variable is 0 if there is no current monitoring interval.

The mon_interval_id monitor element contains the value of the monitor interval ID at the time that the monitoring data was captured. You can use the value of the mon_interval_id monitor element to correlate data that you gather over a specific monitoring interval.


In addition to the typical authorization groups or IDs that can read built-in global variables, an authorization ID with either DBADM or SQLADM authority has read access to the MON_INTERVAL_ID global variable.