DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows


The ADVISE_TABLE table stores the data definition language (DDL) for table creation, using the final Design Advisor recommendations for materialized query tables (MQTs), multidimensional clustered tables (MDCs), and database partitioning.

Table 1. ADVISE_TABLE Table. PK means that the column is part of a primary key; FK means that the column is part of a foreign key.
Column Name Data Type Nullable? Key? Description
RUN_ID TIMESTAMP Yes FK A value corresponding to the START_TIME of a row in the ADVISE_INSTANCE table, linking it to the same Design Advisor run.
TABLE_NAME VARCHAR(128) No No Name of the table.
TABLE_SCHEMA VARCHAR(128) No No Name of the table creator.
TABLESPACE VARCHAR(128) No No The table space in which the table is to be created.
SELECTION_FLAG VARCHAR(4) No No Indicates the recommendation type. Valid values are 'M' for MQT, 'P' for database partitioning, and 'C' for MDC. This field can include any subset of these values. For example, 'MC' indicates that the table is recommended as an MQT and an MDC table.
TABLE_EXISTS CHAR(1) No No Set to 'Y' if the table exists in the database catalog.
USE_TABLE CHAR(1) No No Set to 'Y' if the table has recommendations from the Design Advisor.
GEN_COLUMNS CLOB(2M) No No Contains a generated columns string if this row includes an MDC recommendation that requires generated columns in the create table DDL.
ORGANIZE_BY CLOB(2M) No No For MDC recommendations, contains the ORGANIZE BY clause of the create table DDL.
CREATION_TEXT CLOB(2M) No No Contains the create table DDL.
ALTER_COMMAND CLOB(2M) No No Contains an ALTER TABLE statement for the table.