DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Supported instance management functions in a thin server instance environment

As of DB2® Version 10.5 release, instance management functions are enabled for non-root instances in a thin server instance environment.

The following instance commands are supported in a thin server instance environment. They are not supported for an instance that is automatically created during a non-root DB2 installation on the code server.

Note: The non-root commands such as db2rspgn, db2val, db2iprune, and db2_deinstall can be used only on the code server. They are not supported for an instance that is created locally on the remote server.


You can use the db2icrt command to create a non-root instance in a thin server instance environment. For more information, see Creating non-root thin server instances (Linux and AIX)
-db2icrt--+--------------+--+-- '- d + -h-+ '-  -?-' ---+-


You can use the db2iupdt command to update a non-root instance to a newer version of DB2 fix pack level in a thin server instance environment. For more information, see Updating non-root thin server instances (Linux and AIX)
'- -j--"TEXT_SEARCH-+-------------+-"-' +- -h-+ '-,portnumber-' '- -?-'  


You can use the db2idrop command to drop a non root instance in a thin server instance environment. For more information, see Dropping non-root thin server instances (Linux and AIX)
-db2idrop--+--------------+--+-- '- d + -h-+ '-  -?-' ---+


You can use the db2iupgrade command to upgrade the dbm cfg configurations to a newer version in a thin server instance environment. For more information, see Upgrading non-root thin server instances (Linux and AIX)
-db2iupgrade--+--------------+--+-- '- d + -h-+ '-  -?-' ---+-


You can use the db2ilist command, to list the local instance that is created by using the db2icrt command in a thin server instance environment.