DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

ReportRetryErrorsAsWarnings CLI/ODBC configuration keyword

Returns errors that were uncovered during CLI error recovery as warnings.

db2cli.ini keyword syntax:
ReportRetryErrorsAsWarnings = 0 | 1
Only applicable when:
RetryOnError keyword is set to 1.
Default setting:
Do not return errors uncovered during CLI error recovery to the application.
Usage notes:

By default, when the CLI retry logic is able to recover successfully from a non-fatal error, it masks that error from the application by returning SQL_SUCCESS. Because application binding errors can be hidden this way, for debugging purposes, you may want to set ReportRetryErrorsAsWarnings to 1. This setting keeps the error recovery on, but forces CLI to return to the application, any errors that were uncovered as warnings.