DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Identifying the version and service level of your product

The db2level command will help you determine the version and service level (build level and fix pack number) of your DB2® instance.

To determine if your DB2 instance is at the latest service level, compare your db2level output to information in the fix pack download pages at the DB2 Support website: www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=71&uid=swg27007053.

A typical result of running the db2level command on a Windows system would be:

DB21085I  Instance "DB2" uses "32" bits and DB2 code release "SQL09010" with
level identifier "01010107".
Informational tokens are "DB2 v9.1.0.189", "n060119", "", and Fix Pack "0".
Product is installed at "c:\SQLLIB" with DB2 Copy Name "db2build".

The combination of the four informational tokens uniquely identify the precise service level of your DB2 instance. This information is essential when contacting IBM Software Support for assistance.

For JDBC or SQLJ applications, if you are using the IBM® DB2 Driver for SQLJ and JDBC, you can determine the level of the driver by running the db2jcc utility:

db2jcc -version

IBM DB2 JDBC Driver Architecture 2.3.63