DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Configuring the data server to use an optimization profile

After an optimization profile is created and its contents are validated against the current optimization profile schema (COPS), the contents must be associated with a unique schema-qualified name and stored in the SYSTOOLS.OPT_PROFILE table.


To configure the data server to use an optimization profile:

  1. Create the optimization profile table (systools.opt_profile). Each row of the optimization profile table can contain one optimization profile: the SCHEMA and NAME columns identify the optimization profile, and the PROFILE column contains the text of the optimization profile. The following example calls the SYSINSTALLOBJECTS procedure to create the optimization profile table:
    call sysinstallobjects('opt_profiles','c','','') 
  2. Optional: You can grant any authority or privilege on the systools.opt_profile table that satisfies your database security requirements. Granting authority or privilege on the systools.opt_profile table has no effect on the optimizer's ability to read the table.
  3. Create an input data file that contains the three comma-separated string values that are enclosed in double quotation marks. The first string value is the profile schema name. The second string value is the profile name. The third string value is the optimization profile file name. For example, you can create an input data file named PROFILEDATA that contains the following three string values:
    "DBUSER", "PROFILE1", "inventory_db.xml" 
  4. Populate the SYSTOOLS.OPT_PROFILE table with the optimization profile. The following IMPORT command example populates the SYSTOOLS.OPT_PROFILE table with the PROFILEDATA input data file, which contains the profile schema name, profile name and the optimization profile name.
    db2 import from profiledata of del modified by lobsinfile insert into systools.opt_profile 
  5. Enable the optimization profile with the CURRENT OPTIMIZATION PROFILE special register. For example, you can incorporate SET CURRENT OPTIMIZATION PROFILE statement in your application:
    stmt.execute( "set current optimization profile = DBUSER.PROFILE1");