Information written to tables for a transaction event monitor

Information written by a transaction event monitor when the WRITE TO TABLE option is specified.

The sections that follows illustrates the output of a transaction event monitor when the WRITE TO TABLE option is used on the CREATE EVENT MONITOR statement. For information about the output returned when the event monitor writes to a file or named pipe, see Event monitor self-describing data stream.
Table 1. Tables produced by TRANSACTION write-to-table event monitors. The table name is derived by concatenating the name of the logical data group used to populate the table with the name given to the event monitor (as represented by evmon-name in the table names shown in the following table) in the CREATE EVENT MONITOR statement.
Default table name Logical data groups reported
XACT_evmon-name event_xact logical data group
CONNHEADER_evmon-name event_connheader logical data group
CONTROL_evmon-name The CONTROL logical group consists of selected elements from one or more of the event_dbheader, event_start and event_overflow logical data groups.

Tables produced

Table 2. Information returned for a transaction event monitor: Default table name: XACT_evmon-name
Column name Data type Description
AGENT_ID BIGINT agent_id - Application handle (agent ID)
APPL_ID VARCHAR(64) appl_id - Application ID
EVMON_FLUSHES BIGINT evmon_flushes - Number of event monitor flushes
LOCK_ESCALS BIGINT lock_escals - Number of lock escalations
LOCK_WAIT_TIME BIGINT lock_wait_time - Time waited on locks
LOCKS_HELD_TOP BIGINT locks_held_top - Maximum number of locks held
PARTIAL_RECORD SMALLINT partial_record - Partial record
PREV_UOW_STOP_TIME TIMESTAMP prev_uow_stop_time - Previous unit of work completion timestamp
ROWS_READ BIGINT rows_read - Rows read
ROWS_WRITTEN BIGINT rows_written - Rows written
SEQUENCE_NO CHARACTER sequence_no - Sequence number
STOP_TIME TIMESTAMP stop_time - Event stop time
SYSTEM_CPU_TIME BIGINT system_cpu_time - System CPU time
TPMON_ACC_STR VARCHAR(255) tpmon_acc_str - TP monitor client accounting string
TPMON_CLIENT_APP VARCHAR(255) tpmon_client_app - TP monitor client application name
TPMON_CLIENT_USERID VARCHAR(255) tpmon_client_userid - TP monitor client user ID
TPMON_CLIENT_WKSTN VARCHAR(255) tpmon_client_wkstn - TP monitor client workstation name
UOW_LOG_SPACE_USED BIGINT uow_log_space_used - Unit of work log space used
UOW_START_TIME TIMESTAMP uow_start_time - Unit of work start timestamp
UOW_STATUS BIGINT uow_status - Unit of work status
USER_CPU_TIME BIGINT user_cpu_time - User CPU time
X_LOCK_ESCALS BIGINT x_lock_escals - Exclusive lock escalations
Table 3. Information returned for a transaction event monitor: Default table name: CONNHEADER_evmon-name
Column Name Data Type Description
AGENT_ID BIGINT agent_id - Application handle (agent ID)
APPL_ID VARCHAR(64) appl_id - Application ID
APPL_NAME VARCHAR(255) appl_name - Application name
AUTH_ID VARCHAR(128) auth_id - Authorization ID
CLIENT_DB_ALIAS CHARACTER(8) client_db_alias - Database alias used by application
CLIENT_NNAME VARCHAR(20) client_nname - Client name monitor element
CLIENT_PID BIGINT client_pid - Client process ID
CLIENT_PLATFORM INTEGER client_platform - Client operating platform
CLIENT_PRDID VARCHAR(20) client_prdid - Client product and version ID
CLIENT_PROTOCOL INTEGER client_protocol - Client communication protocol
CODEPAGE_ID INTEGER codepage_id - ID of code page used by application
CONN_TIME TIMESTAMP conn_time - Time of database connection
CORR_TOKEN VARCHAR(64) corr_token - DRDA correlation token
EXECUTION_ID VARCHAR(128) execution_id - User login ID
SEQUENCE_NO CHARACTER(5) sequence_no - Sequence number
TERRITORY_CODE INTEGER territory_code - Database territory code
Table 4. Information returned for a transaction event monitor: Default table name: CONTROL_evmon-name
Column name Data type Description
EVENT_MONITOR_NAME VARCHAR(128) event_monitor_name - Event monitor name
MESSAGE VARCHAR(128) message - Control table message
MESSAGE_TIME TIMESTAMP message_time - Timestamp control table message