Snapshot monitor API request types

For API request types, information about the monitor level is returned if the associated monitor switch is ON. You must check the monitor elements that you want to use to determine if the monitor element is under monitor switch control.

The following table lists all the supported snapshot request types.
Table 1. Snapshot Monitor API Request Types
Monitor level API request type Information returned
Connections list SQLMA_APPLINFO_ALL Application identification information for all applications currently connected to a database that is managed by the DB2® instance on the partition where snapshot is taken.
Connections list SQLMA_DBASE_APPLINFO Application identification information for each application currently connected to the specified database.
Connections list SQLMA_DCS_APPLINFO_ALL Application identification information for all DCS applications currently connected to a database that is managed by the DB2 instance on the partition where snapshot is taken.
Database manager SQLMA_DB2 Database manager level information, including instance-level monitor switch settings.
Database SQLMA_DBASE Database level information and counters for a database. Information is returned only if there is at least one application connected to the database.
Database SQLMA_DBASE_ALL Database level information and counters for each database active on the partition. The number of connections to each active database. Includes databases that were started using the ACTIVATE DATABASE command, but have no connections. Information is returned only if there is at least one application connected to the database.
Database SQLMA_DCS_DBASE Database level information and counters for a specific DCS database. Information is returned only if there is at least one application connected to the database.
Database SQLMA_DCS_DBASE_ALL Database level information and counters for each DCS database active on the partition. Information is returned only if there is at least one application connected to the database.
Database SQLMA_DBASE_REMOTE Database level information and counters for a specific federated system database. Information is returned only if there is at least one application connected to the database.
Database SQLMA_DBASE_REMOTE_ALL Database level information and counters for each active federated system database on the partition. Information is returned only if there is at least one application connected to the database.
Application SQLMA_APPL Application level information, including cumulative counters, status information, and most recent SQL statement executed (if statement switch is set).
Application SQLMA_AGENT_ID Application level information, includes cumulative counters, status information, and most recent SQL statement executed (if statement switch is set).
Application SQLMA_DBASE_APPLS Application level information for each application that is connected to the database on the partition. This includes cumulative counters, status information, and most recent SQL statement executed (if statement switch is set).
Application SQLMA_APPL_ALL Application level information for each application that is active on the partition. This includes cumulative counters, status information, and most recent SQL statement executed (if statement switch is set).
Application SQLMA_DCS_APPL Application level information, including cumulative counters, status information, and most recent SQL statement executed (if statement switch is set).
Application SQLMA_DCS_APPL_ALL Application level information for each DCS application that is active on the partition. This includes cumulative counters, status information, and most recent SQL statement executed (if statement switch is set).
Application SQLMA_DCS_APPL_HANDLE Application level information, including cumulative counters, status information, and most recent SQL statement executed (if statement switch is set).
Application SQLMA_DCS_DBASE_APPLS Application level information for each DCS application that is connected to the database on the partition. This includes cumulative counters, status information, and most recent SQL statement executed (if statement switch is set).
Application SQLMA_DBASE_APPLS_REMOTE Application level information, includes cumulative counters, status information, and most recent SQL statement executed (if statement switch is set).
Application SQLMA_APPL_REMOTE_ALL Application level information for each federated system application that is active on the partition. This includes cumulative counters, status information, and most recent SQL statement executed (if statement switch is set).
Table SQLMA_DBASE_TABLES Table activity information at the database and application level for each application connected to the database. Table activity information at the table level for each table that was accessed by an application connected to the database. Requires the table switch.
Lock SQLMA_APPL_LOCKS List of locks held by the application. Lock wait information requires the lock switch.
Lock SQLMA_APPL_LOCKS_AGENT_ID List of locks held by the application. Lock wait information requires the lock switch.
Lock SQLMA_DBASE_LOCKS Lock information at the database level, and application level for each application connected to the database. Requires the lock switch.
Table space SQLMA_DBASE_TABLESPACES Information about table space activity at the database level, the application level for each application connected to the database, and the table space level for each table space that has been accessed by an application connected to the database. Requires the buffer pool switch.
Buffer pool SQLMA_BUFFERPOOLS_ALL Buffer pool activity counters. Requires the buffer pool switch.
Buffer pool SQLMA_DBASE_BUFFERPOOLS Buffer pool activity counters for the specified database. Requires the buffer pool switch.
Dynamic SQL SQLMA_DYNAMIC_SQL Point-in-time statement information from the SQL statement cache for the database.