DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Restoring from a snapshot backup image with a script

Using a custom script allows you to restore snapshot backup images taken using storage devices that are not supported by DB2® ACS.

Before you begin

You must have one of the following authorities: SYSADM, SYSCTRL, or SYSMAINT.

About this task

A snapshot restore operation restores a snapshot backup. You must use a custom script for that restore operation if your storage device does not provide a vendor library.

During snapshot restore operations, the protocol files that were written during the snapshot backup are read. As well, a new protocol file is written for the restore operation to show its progress. If the restore operation is successful, the protocol file is deleted; if the operation fails, you can use the protocol file to help investigate the cause of the failure.

A restore operation restores the latest image that matches the specified time stamp. For example, if there are two images for the time stamp 20121120, one taken at 201211201000 and one taken at 201211202000, the last one is chosen.



To perform a snapshot restore:

  1. Create a script that implements the DB2 ACS API. The script must be executable. For information on custom scripts, see DB2 Advanced Copy Services (ACS) user scripts.
  2. Initiate the restore operation using either the RESTORE DATABASE command, the ADMIN_CMD procedure with RESTORE DATABASE option, or the db2Restore API.
    	USE SNAPSHOT SCRIPT path-to-script
    	OPTIONS 'path-to-repository'
    ADMIN_CMD procedure
       (restore database dbname 
    	use snapshot script path-to-script
    	options 'path-to-repository'
     taken at timestamp logtarget include)
    db2Restore API
    int sampleRestoreFunction( char dbAlias[],
                               char restoredDbAlias[],
                               char user[],
                               char pswd[],
                               char workingPath[] )
      db2MediaListStruct mediaListStruct = { 0 };
      rmediaListStruct.locations = &workingPath;
      rmediaListStruct.numLocations = 1;      
      rmediaListStruct.locationType = SQLU_SNAPSHOT_SCRIPT_MEDIA;
      db2RestoreStruct restoreStruct = { 0 };        
      restoreStruct.piSourceDBAlias = dbAlias;    
      restoreStruct.piTargetDBAlias = restoredDbAlias;
      restoreStruct.piMediaList = &mediaListStruct;
      restoreStruct.piUsername = user;
      restoreStruct.piPassword = pswd;  
      restoreStruct.iCallerAction = DB2RESTORE_STORDEF_NOINTERRUPT;
      struct sqlca sqlca = { 0 };
      db2Restore(db2Version1050, &restoreStruct, &sqlca);
      return 0;     