DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

HADR role switch and quiesced table spaces

In an high availability disaster recovery (HADR) environment, a table space quiesce is not preserved during a role switch.

When a table space is quiesced on the primary database, no log records are generated, so there is no effect on the standby database. If the standby has to take over as the primary before the quiesce has been released, that table space will be fully available on the new primary. You should be aware that if you continue the job that required the table space to be quiesced on the original primary, then on the new primary, the job is no longer protected by the quiesce

If there was a role switch (that is, if the old primary is now the new standby), changes to the table space on the new primary are replayed on the new standby. However, if the primary role is failed back to the old primary, the quiesce state will still be in effect for that table space.