DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

DB2 server configuration for shadow tables

The appropriate configuration of your DB2® server ensures that your database can support shadow tables.

Review this information to understand what changes are required in your environment. Follow the steps in Configuring your DB2 server for shadow tables to implement these changes.

Registry Variables

The following registry variables that are associated with shadow tables must have specific values to support them.
In a typical BLU Acceleration environment that is optimized for online analytic processing (OLAP) queries, this registry variable is set to ANALYTICS to help enable workload management and configure memory, table organization, page size, and extent size.

In an online transaction processing (OLTP) environment with shadow tables, the predominant workload is still OLTP. Therefore, setting the DB2_WORKLOAD registry variable to ANALYTICS for environments that use shadow tables is detrimental to OLTP performance.

For shadow tables environments with predominantly OLTP workloads, ensure that DB2_WORKLOAD is not set to ANALYTICS and explicitly set the database manager and database configuration parameters that are described in the following sections.

The requirements for sort heap memory when you use shadow tables are higher than you would normally have for databases in OLTP environments. To increase the sort heap memory without affecting existing access plans for OLTP queries, add OPT_SORTHEAP_EXCEPT_COL to DB2_EXTENDED_OPTIMIZATION to override the value of the sortheap database configuration parameter.

The override affects only compiler query optimization for generating plans that do not access column-organized tables and does not dictate the amount of actual memory that is available at run time. If the query accesses a column-organized table, this override is ignored to allow the query compiler to use the current value of the sortheap database configuration parameter that benefits access plans for column-organized tables as well as shadow tables.

Database manager configuration

Reaching optimal performance for shadow tables depends on the appropriate configuration of memory resources at the DB2 instance level.
Instance memory
Setting the instance_memory database manager configuration parameter to AUTOMATIC results in a computed value at database activation that specifies the maximum amount of memory that you can allocate for a DB2 instance. This value can range 75 - 95% of the physical RAM on the DB2 server and is a good option for shadow tables.
Sort heap threshold
For shadow tables, set the tracking of sort memory consumption at the database level by setting the sheapthres database manager configuration parameter to 0.

For more information about limiting the memory allocation for sorts at the database level, see Shared sort heap size.

Database configuration

To create shadow tables in a database, the configuration of this database must support column-organized tables and certain configuration characteristics for shadow tables.
Supported database configurations for column-organized tables
To create shadow tables in your existing database, it must conform with requirements for column-organized tables.
Default table organization
In database configurations that support column-organized tables, the dft_table_org database configuration parameter controls the behavior of the CREATE TABLE statement without the ORGANIZE BY COLUMN or the ORGANIZE BY ROW clause. If you specify either of these clauses, the value in dft_table_org is ignored.

If the dft_table_org parameter is set to ROW, the CREATE TABLE statement without an organization clause creates row-organized tables in the same fashion as in previous releases. If the dft_table_org parameter is set to COLUMN, you must specify the ORGANIZE BY ROW clause with the CREATE TABLE statement to create row-organized tables. To maintain the behavior of previous releases, set the dft_table_org parameter to ROW.

Databases that support shadow tables have mixed workloads. These databases were previously configured for online transaction processing (OLTP). To preserve this behavior and to create new tables as row-organized tables by default, ensure that the dft_table_org (default table organization for user tables) database configuration parameter is set to ROW.

Page size for buffer pools and table spaces
Shadow tables benefit from having a larger page size for buffer pools and table spaces such as 32 K for column-organized tables.

Specify 32 K or an adequate page size value when you create table spaces for shadow tables. For more information about using 32 K page size, see Memory management for shadow tables.

Extent size for table spaces
Using an extent size of 4 pages in table spaces where you create shadow tables can improve performance. However, do not change the database default extent size because that change impacts your existing database configuration. Instead, specify an adequate extent size (such as 4 pages) only for the table spaces where you have or plan to have shadow tables.
Database shared memory size
For optimal database performance, you must specify an amount of the database memory large enough to accommodate for the following configurable memory pools: buffer pools, the database heap, the lock list, the utility heap, the package cache, the catalog cache, the shared sort heap, and a minimum overflow area of 5%.

Set the database_memory database configuration parameter to a specific value and AUTOMATIC to allow the database memory to grow beyond its initial size. This setting accommodates any unforeseen requirements beyond what the overflow area provides. The initial size depends on the amount of memory that is allocated for the DB2 instance and the number of databases that are managed by the DB2 instance.

Database memory threshold
The default setting of the db_mem_thresh database configuration parameter is set to 100, which instructs the database manager to never release any unused database shared memory. This setting is suitable for most workloads, including OLTP and OLAP (mixed) workloads.
Fast communications manager (FCM)
To run mixed workloads in environments in which intrapartition parallelism is enabled, ensure that you have enough fast communication buffers and channels by setting the fcm_num_buffers and fcm_num_channels database manager configuration parameters to larger values and AUTOMATIC.
Shared sort heap size
Processing data for column-organized tables requires larger values for the sortheap and sheapthres_shr database configuration parameters than the values you might have for your OLTP environment.
For a database with shadows tables, set these parameters to an adequate starting value instead of using AUTOMATIC.
  • A good starting value for the sheapthres_shr parameter is 40 - 50% of the database_memory parameter. Specify a higher percentage for higher analytics concurrency.
  • A good starting value for the sortheap parameter is 5 - 20% of the sheapthres_shr parameter to enable concurrent sort operations. Specify a lower percentage for higher analytics concurrency.
Catalog cache size
Extra space is required in the catalog cache size to accommodate synopsis tables. For every shadow table or column-organized table, the database manager creates a synopsis table to store metadata for the column-organized table.

A good starting increment is adding 10% of the current catalogcache_sz parameter value.

Utility heap size
InfoSphere® CDC uses the LOAD command for the refresh operation on shadow tables. To address the resource needs of the LOAD command, set the util_heap_sz database configuration parameter to an appropriate starting value and AUTOMATIC.

A good starting value is 1 million of 4 K pages. If the database server has at least 128 GB of memory, set the util_heap_sz parameter to 4 million 4 K pages. If you are going to run concurrent workloads of the LOAD command, increase the util_heap_sz parameter to accommodate higher memory requirements. If memory resources are limited, you can increase the util_heap_sz parameter dynamically only when you run the LOAD command for shadow tables.

Primary log archive method
IBM® InfoSphere Change Data Capture requires that the DB2 database is enabled for archive logging for capturing transactions.

Set the logarchmeth1 database configuration parameter to enable archive logging. This parameter specifies that active log files are retained and become online archive log files for use in rollforward recovery. Choose the DB2 supported log archival method that aligns better with your IT disaster recovery guidelines. If the logarchmeth1 parameter is set to OFF, InfoSphere CDC cannot capture transactions for the source table.

Automatic maintenance
Performing maintenance activities such as updating statistics and reorganizing tables and indexes on your databases is essential for optimal performance and recoverability of your database, especially shadow tables.

If you choose to take advantage of automatic maintenance capabilities, you can enable automatic statistics collection and automatic reorganization by setting up the automatic maintenance configuration parameters.

If automatic statistics collection and automatic reorganization does not suit your environment, you might want to use the following guidelines for manually performing these maintenance tasks:
  • Specify the ON ALL COLUMNS WITH DISTRIBUTION ON ALL COLUMNS AND SAMPLED DETAILED INDEXES ALL clause with the RUNSTATS command to collect both basic statistics and distribution statistics on columns, and extended statistics on all table indexes.
  • Specify the RECLAIM EXTENTS clause with the REORG command on indexes and tables to reclaim extents that are not being used. Use the value of the RECLAIMABLE_SPACE column that is returned by a query to the ADMINTABINFO administrative view or the ADMIN_GET_TAB_INFO table function. This value is the amount of free space that was determined the last time that you ran the RUNSTATS command.

After a refresh is perform on a shadow table, manually issue the RUNSTATS command on the shadow table to ensure that the statistics are fully updated immediately after the refresh even when automatic statistics collection is enabled.

Settings at the application level

Intrapartition parallelism
Although intrapartition parallelism is required for accessing column-organized tables and shadow tables, you might not be able to change this default without affecting your existing OLTP workloads.
To enable intrapartition parallelism:
  • You can set the intra_parallel database manager parameter to YES for a DB2 instance.
  • You can set MAXIMUM DEGREE to a value greater than 1 for a particular workload at the database level.
  • You can call the SYSPROC.ADMIN_SET_INTRA_PARALLEL procedure with YES as parameter value for a database application.

For shadow tables, enabling intrapartition parallelism at the application level is the best option.