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ASNCLP commands for unidirectional Q Replication

The ASNCLP commands for unidirectional Q Replication set the environment, define, change, and delete Q subscriptions, and specify output files. Some of the ASNCLP commands for unidirectional replication also apply to Classic replication.

Sample ASNCLP scripts for setting up unidirectional Q Replication and Sample ASNCLP scripts for setting up unidirectional Q Replication from a Classic data source demonstrate how you can combine ASNCLP commands to create an ASNCLP setup script.

Note: All of the commands for Q Replication and Classic replication require that you set the environment with the ASNCLP SESSION SET TO Q REPLICATION command.

Table 1 lists the ASNCLP commands for unidirectional Q Replication and links to topics that describe each command.

Table 1. ASNCLP commands for unidirectional Q Replication
If you want to ... Use this command
Add a column to a Q subscription ALTER ADD COLUMN command
Update the IBMQREP_CAPPARMS table when you replicate from a Classic source ALTER CAPTURE PARAMETERS command (Classic replication)
Change a Q subscription ALTER QSUB command (unidirectional replication)
Change a replication queue map ALTER REPLQMAP command
Establish a session for Q Replication ASNCLP SESSION SET TO command
Create a Q subscription CREATE QSUB command (unidirectional replication)
Create the control tables for the Q Capture and Q Apply programs CREATE CONTROL TABLES FOR command
Create a replication queue map CREATE REPLQMAP command
Create a schema-level subscription CREATE SCHEMASUB command
Create a profile for table-level Q subscriptions CREATE SUBSCRIPTION OPTIONS command
Delete a Q subscription DROP QSUB command
Drop the control tables for the Q Capture and Q Apply programs DROP CONTROL TABLES ON command
Delete a replication queue map DROP REPLQMAP command
Delete a schema-level subscription DROP SCHEMASUB command
Delete a profile for table-level Q subscriptions DROP SUBSCRIPTION OPTIONS command
List Q subscriptions LIST QSUB command (Q Replication)
List replication queue maps LIST REPLQMAP command (Q Replication)
List Q Apply schemas LIST APPLY SCHEMA command
List Q Capture schemas LIST CAPTURE SCHEMA command
List schema-level subscriptions LIST SCHEMASUB command
Signal that a manual load of the target table is complete LOAD DONE command
Promote a Q subscription PROMOTE QSUB command (unidirectional)
Promote a replication queue map PROMOTE REPLQMAP command
Reinitialize a schema-level subscription REINIT SCHEMASUB command
  • Specify whether to drop the target table when you delete a Q subscription
  • Specify whether to drop the table space when you drop the target table or control tables
SET DROP command (unidirectional replication)
Set the Q Apply schema for all task commands SET APPLY SCHEMA command
Set the Q Capture schema for all task commands SET CAPTURE SCHEMA command
Define the log file for the ASNCLP program SET LOG command
Define output files that contain SQL statements to set up unidirectional Q Replication SET OUTPUT command
Specify custom parameters for database objects to be created implicitly SET PROFILE command
Set the WebSphere MQ queue manager SET QMANAGER command
Specify whether to automatically run each task command from an input file before the ASNCLP program processes the next task command SET RUN SCRIPT command
Specify the Q Capture server or Q Apply server to use in the ASNCLP session for unidirectional replication. SET SERVER command
Enable and disable the trace for the ASNCLP commands SET TRACE command
Display the environment set during the session SHOW SET ENV command
Start a Q subscription START QSUB command
Start a schema-level subscription START SCHEMASUB command
Stop a Q subscription STOP QSUB command
Stop a schema-level subscription STOP SCHEMASUB command
Verify that the required WebSphere MQ objects exist and have the correct properties for schemas, queue maps, and Q subscriptions VALIDATE WSMQ ENVIRONMENT FOR command
Send test messages that validate the message flow between the WebSphere MQ queues that are specified for a replication queue map VALIDATE WSMQ MESSAGE FLOW FOR REPLQMAP command

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Update icon Last updated: 2013-10-25