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What's new in V9.5 Fix Pack 1: Replication and Event Publishing

The following replication and publishing enhancements are available in WebSphere® Replication Server V9.5 Fix Pack 1 and WebSphere Data Event Publisher V9.5 Fix Pack 1.

asntdiff utility can now find differences in a subset of rows instead of a entire table
The asntdiff utility now allows you to specify a subset of rows from the source table that you want to compare to the target table. You provide the name of a DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP column in the source table, and then specify a range clause that identifies the rows to be compared. You can also compare subsets of rows for tables that are involved in peer-to-peer replication.
Location of temporary files can be changed using TMPDIR environment variable.
You can use the TMPDIR environment variable to specify a directory for the Q Capture and Q Apply programs to write temporary files. Writing these files to a specified directory rather than the default /tmp directory can protect them from accidentally being deleted during routine directory cleanup operations.
Ability to improve performance of federated loads
During automatic loading of federated target tables by the Q Apply program, you can use the nickname_commit_count parameter to specify a number of rows after which the DB2® IMPORT utility commits changes to nicknames during the loading process. By default, the utility commits every 10 rows. You can raise the value of nickname_commit_count to reduce the overhead that is associated with interim commits.
Optionally have Q Apply log exceptions for illegal characters in Unicode data
A new parameter allows you to specify that the Q Apply program check Unicode data from source tables for illegal characters, log an exception that informs you about the illegal characters, and continue processing. The ignbaddata parameter can be used if the Q Apply program uses International Components for Unicode (ICU) for code page conversion (if the code page of the source database and the code page that Q Apply uses are different).
Tune the level of referential integrity checking by Q Apply
The richklvl parameter allows you to specify that the Q Apply program not check for referential integrity dependencies between transactions. By default Q Apply checks for RI-based dependencies between transactions to ensure that dependent rows are applied in the correct order. The new parameter also lets you specify the level of RI checking.
Improved encryption for password files used by Q and SQL Replication
The asnpwd command can now create encrypted password files for remote connections using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) method that DB2 uses. This new encryption method meets stricter U.S. government standards for encryption under FIPS 140-2 and provides better password file support for 64-bit Windows operating systems.

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Update icon Last updated: 2013-10-25