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How the SQL Replication components communicate

The various replication components run independently of one another, but rely on one another for information that each stores in the replication control tables to communicate with one another.

The administration tools
The Replication Center or ASNCLP command-line program creates SQL scripts that insert the initial information about registered sources, subscription sets, and alert conditions in the control tables.
The Capture program or triggers
The Capture program and the Capture triggers update the control tables to indicate the progress of replication and to coordinate the processing of changes.
The Apply program
The Apply program updates the control tables to indicate the progress of replication and to coordinate the processing of changes.
The Replication Alert Monitor
The Replication Alert Monitor reads the control tables that have been updated by the Capture program, Apply program, and the Capture triggers to understand any problems and progress at a server.

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Update icon Last updated: 2013-10-25