DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

setstatsschedule command

The setstatsschedule command schedules the automatic update of RDF store statistics.

Command syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-reorgrdfstore-- -storename--+------------------+------------->
                               '- -host--hostName-'   

   '- -port--portNumber-'  '- -db--dbName-'   

   '- -user--userName-'  '- -password--password-'   

>--+----------------------+-- -schedule--schedule--------------><
   '- -schema--schemaName-'                         

Command parameters

Specifies the name of the tripleStore within a database or schema.
-host hostName
Specifies the host where the database is located.
-port portNumber
Specifies the port number of the database.
-db dbName
Specifies the database to which a connection is established.
-user userName
Specifies the authorization name that is used to establish the connection.
-password password
Specifies the password that is used to establish the connection.
-schema schemaName
Specifies the database schema in which the RDF store is located.
-schedule schedule
Specifies the schedule for statistics updates in UNIX CRON format. This parameter must be specified within double quotation marks.


The following command schedules the auto updates of statistics to run at 15th minute of every hour for a store named RDFStore in database RDFDB, port 60000 and schema db2admin on host localhost:
setStatsSchedule RDFStore -host localhost -port 60000 
-db RDFDB -user db2admin -password XXX
-schema db2admin -schedule "15 * * * *" 

Usage notes