DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

DB2ResultSet Members

Represents a scrollable cursor. The following tables list the members that are exposed by the DB2ResultSet class.

Table 1. Public Properties
Property Description
public property BlockForNRows Controls the number of rows to be returned to client in a single fetch request
public property CursorType Indicates the type of cursor represented by the DB2ResultSet object.
public property Depth Indicates the depth of nesting for the current row.
public property FieldCount The number of columns in the current row.
public property HasRows Indicates whether the DB2ResultSet contains one or more rows.
public property IsClosed Indicates whether the DB2ResultSet is closed.
public property IsDeleted Gets a value that indicates if the row is deleted.
public property RecordsAffected Gets a value that indicates the number of records that are affected by a Delete, Insert, or Update operation.
public property Scrollable Gets a value that indicates if the cursor is scrollable.
public property Sensitive Gets a value that indicates if the cursor is sensitive to updates made by the application and other cursors.
public property SkipDeleted Gets a value that indicates if the cursor skips deleted rows when fetching.
public property this Overloaded. Gets the value of a column in its native format.
public property Updatable Gets a value that indicates if you can update the result set.
Table 2. Public Methods
Method Description
public method Close Closes the DB2ResultSet object.
public method CreateRecord Creates a DB2UpdatableRecord object.
public method Delete Deletes the current row.
public method Dispose Closes the DB2ResultSet instance.
public method GetBoolean Gets the value of the specified column as a Boolean value.
public method GetByte Gets the value of the specified column as a byte.
public method GetBytes Reads a stream of bytes from the specified column offset into the buffer as an array, starting at the given buffer offset.
public method GetChar Gets the value of the specified column as a character.
public method GetChars Reads a stream of characters from the specified column offset into the buffer as an array, starting at the given buffer offset.
public method GetDataTypeName Gets the name of the source data type.
public method GetDate Gets the value of the specified column as a DateTime object.
public method GetDateTime Gets the value of the specified column as a DateTime object.
public method GetDB2®Binary Creates an instance of a DB2Binary object from the column data.
public method GetDB2Date Creates an instance of a DB2Date object from the column data.
public methodGetDB2DateTime Creates an instance of a DB2DateTime object from the column data.
public method GetDB2Decimal Creates an instance of a DB2Decimal object from the column data.
public method GetDB2DecimalFloat Creates an instance of a DB2DecimalFloat object from the column data
public method GetDB2Double Creates an instance of a DB2Double object from the column data.
public method GetDB2Int16 Creates an instance of a DB2Int16 object from the column data.
public method GetDB2Int32 Creates an instance of a DB2Int32 object from the column data.
public method GetDB2Int64 Creates an instance of a DB2Int64 object from the column data.
public method GetDB2Real Creates an instance of a DB2Real object from the column data.
public method GetDB2Real370 Creates an instance of a DB2Real370 object from the column data.
public method GetDB2RowId Creates an instance of a DB2RowId object from the column data.
public method GetDB2String Creates an instance of a DB2String object from the column data.
public method GetDB2Time Creates an instance of a DB2Time object from the column data.
public method GetDB2TimeStamp Creates an instance of a DB2TimeStamp object from the column data.
public method GetDB2Xml Creates an instance of a DB2Xml object from the column data.
public method GetDB2XsrObjectId Creates an instance of a DB2XsrObjectId object from the column data.
public method GetDecimal Gets the value of the specified column as a decimal.
public method GetDouble Gets the value of the specified column as a double-precision floating point number.
public method GetFieldType Gets the Type that is the data type of the object.
public method GetFloat Gets the value of the specified column as a single-precision floating-point number.
public method GetGuid Not supported.
public method GetInt16 Gets the value of the specified column as a 16-bit signed integer.
public method GetInt32 Gets the value of the specified column as a 32-bit signed integer.
public method GetInt64 Gets the value of the specified column as a 64-bit signed integer.
public method GetName Gets the name of the specified column.
public method GetOrdinal Gets the column ordinal, given the name of the column.
public method GetSchemaTable Returns a DataTable that describes the column metadata of the DB2ResultSet Class .
public method GetString Gets the value of the specified column as a string.
public method GetTime Gets the value of the specified column as a TimeSpan object.
public method GetTimeSpan Gets the value of the specified column as a TimeSpan object.
public method GetValue Gets the value of the column at the specified ordinal in its native format.
public method GetValues Gets all the attribute columns in the current row.
public method GetXmlReader Returns an XmlReader from a character, binary, or DB2Type.XML column.
public method GetXmlSaxReader Not supported.
public method GetXmlSchemaSet Overloaded. Returns an XmlSchemaSet object of all the schema documents for the given DB2XsrObjectId structure.
public method Insert Inserts a new row in the table.
public method IsDBNull Gets a value that indicates whether the column contains nonexistent or missing values.
public method IsSetAsDefault Determines if the value at the specified column ordinal position was last modified by the SetDefault function.
public method NextResult Advances the DB2ResultSet to the next result, when reading the results of batch SQL statements.
public method Read Advances the DB2ResultSet to the next record.
public method ReadAbsolute Moves the DB2ResultSet to the record that is indicated by the specified position, if the cursor is scrollable.
public method ReadFirst Moves the DB2ResultSet to the first record, if the cursor is scrollable.
public method ReadLast Moves the DB2ResultSet to the last record, if the cursor is scrollable.
public method ReadPrevious Moves the DB2ResultSet to the previous record, if the cursor is scrollable.
public method ReadRelative Moves the DB2ResultSet to the record that is a specified number of positions away, if the cursor is scrollable.
public method SetBoolean Not supported.
public method SetByte Not supported.
public method SetBytes Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetChar Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetChars Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDate Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDateTime Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDB2Binary Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDB2Date Overwrites the column with a new value.
public methodSetDB2DateTime Sets a new date and time value to a column.
public method SetDB2Decimal Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDB2DecimalFloat Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDB2Double Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDB2Int16 Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDB2Int32 Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDB2Int64 Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDB2Real Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDB2Real370 Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDB2String Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDB2Time Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDB2TimeStamp Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDB2Xml Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDecimal Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDefault Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetDouble Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetFloat Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetGuid Not supported.
public method SetInt16 Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetInt32 Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetInt64 Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetNull Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetString Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetTime Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetTimeSpan Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetValue Overwrites the column with a new value.
public method SetValues Overwrites columns with new values.
public method Update Sends the pending updates for the current record to the underlying row on the database server.