DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection Members

Represents a collection of column mappings from the data source table to the destination table. The following tables list the members exposed by the DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection class.

Public Constructors

Name Description
public method DB2®BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection Initializes a new DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection object.

Public Methods

Name Description
public method Add Overloaded. Creates a DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping using column names for the data source and destination columns, and adds it to the DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.
public method Clear Clears the current collection of DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping objects.
public method Contains Returns a value indicating if the specified DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping object is in the DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.
public method CopyTo Copies the DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping objects in the DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection to an array of DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping objects, starting at a specified index of the array.
public method IndexOf Returns a value indicating the position in the DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection where the specified DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping object is located.
public method Insert Inserts the specified DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping to the DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection at the specified index position.
public method Remove Removes the specified DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping from the DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.
public method RemoveAt Removes the DB2BulkCopyColumnMapping at the specified index position from the DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.
public method ToString (Inherited from Object.) Gets the complete text of the column mappings in the DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.

Protected Methods

Name Description
protected method OnInsert (Inherited from CollectionBase.) Performs additional custom processes before inserting a new mapping into the DB2BulkCopyColumnMappingCollection instance.