DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Complete mode for returning valid XML input documents

You can use complete mode to create a valid XML document for any common SQL API stored procedure that accepts input. You can then customize the document and pass it back to the procedure.

To run a procedure in complete mode, specify "true" for the Complete key in the input XML document, and pass the following minimal content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<plist version="1.0">

Any XML elements that are not required are ignored and are not returned in the output document.

When you run the procedure, a complete XML input document is returned in the xml_output parameter of the stored procedure. The returned XML document includes a document type and a section for all possible required parameters and optional parameters. The returned XML document also includes other entries (such as display names, hints, and the document locale) that are not required, but are typically needed when rendering the document in a client application.

After rendering the XML document and modifying it in a platform-independent way, you can run the same stored procedure and pass in the modified XML document as input.