DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

CREATE_WRAPPED procedure - Deploy an obfuscated object

The CREATE_WRAPPED procedure transforms a plain text DDL object definition into an obfuscated DDL object definition and then deploys the object in the database.


In an obfuscated DDL statement, the procedural logic and embedded SQL statements are encoded in such a way that any intellectual property in the logic cannot be easily extracted.

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A string of type CLOB(2M) containing a DDL statement text which can be one of the following (SQLSTATE 5UA0O):
  • create procedure
  • create function
  • create package (PL/SQL)
  • create package body (PL/SQL)
  • create trigger
  • create view
  • alter module add function
  • alter module publish function
  • alter module add procedure
  • alter module publish procedure
The procedure transforms the input into an obfuscated DDL statement string and then dynamically executes that DDL statement. Special register values such as PATH and CURRENT SCHEMA in effect at invocation as well as the current invoker's rights are being used.
The encoding consists of a prefix of the original statement up to and including the routine signature or the trigger, view or package name, followed by the keyword WRAPPED. This keyword is followed by information about the application server that executes the procedure. The information has the form "pppvvrrm," where:
  • ppp identifies the product as DB2® Database for Linux®, UNIX®, and Windows® using the letters SQL
  • vv is a two-digit version identifier, such as '09'
  • rr is a two-digit release identifier, such as '07'
  • m is a one-character modification level identifier, such as '0'.
For example, Fixpack 2 of Version 9.7 is identified as 'SQL09072'. This application server information is followed by a string of letters (a-z, and A-Z), digits (0-9), underscores and colons. No syntax checking is done on the input statement beyond the prefix that remains readable after obfuscation.
The encoded DDL statement is typically longer than the plain text form of the statement. If the result exceeds the maximum length for SQL statements an error is raised (SQLSTATE 54001).
Note: The encoding of the statement is meant to obfuscate the content and should not be considered as a form of strong encryption.


EXECUTE privilege on the DBMS_DDL module.
