DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Cursor attributes (PL/SQL)

Each cursor has a set of attributes that enables an application program to test the state of the cursor.

These attributes are %ISOPEN, %FOUND, %NOTFOUND, and %ROWCOUNT.
This attribute is used to determine whether a cursor is in the open state. When a cursor is passed as a parameter to a function or procedure, it is useful to know (before attempting to open the cursor) whether the cursor is already open.
This attribute is used to determine whether a cursor contains rows after the execution of a FETCH statement. If FETCH statement execution was successful, the %FOUND attribute has a value of true. If FETCH statement execution was not successful, the %FOUND attribute has a value of false. The result is unknown when:
  • The value of cursor-variable-name is null
  • The underlying cursor of cursor-variable-name is not open
  • The %FOUND attribute is evaluated before the first FETCH statement was executed against the underlying cursor
  • FETCH statement execution returns an error

The %FOUND attribute provides an efficient alternative to using a condition handler that checks for the error that is returned when no more rows remain to be fetched.

This attribute is the logical opposite of the %FOUND attribute.
This attribute is used to determine the number of rows that have been fetched since a cursor was opened.

Table 1 summarizes the attribute values that are associated with certain cursor events.

Table 1. Summary of cursor attribute values
Before OPEN False Undefined Undefined "Cursor not open" exception
After OPEN and before 1st FETCH True Undefined Undefined 0
After 1st successful FETCH True True False 1
After nth successful FETCH (last row) True True False n
After n+1st FETCH (after last row) True False True n
After CLOSE False Undefined Undefined "Cursor not open" exception