DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Administration tool for DB2 Text Search

The administration tool is a command-line tool that provides a convenient way to perform several administrative tasks related to DB2® Text Search.

The tasks include the following ones:
  • Checking the status and properties of text search collections
  • Optimizing text search collections
  • Deleting orphaned text search collections
  • Reporting the version of the server
The text search instance services must be running for the Administration Tool to remove text search collections. You must append the .sh suffix to all stand-alone DB2 Text Search server tools on supported platforms unless mentioned otherwise, for example, adminTool.sh.

Tool syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-adminTool-- -configPath--absolute-path-to-config-folder------>

   '- -locale--locale-string-'   

>--status -+------------------------+--+-----------------------------------+-->
           '- -collectionPath--path-'  '- -collectionName--collection-name-'   

>--delete - -collection-location-------------------------------->

>--optimize - -collection-location------------------------------>

>--optimizeIndexStatus - -collection-location--version---------->

>--supportedClientVersions--configureTrace-- -trace--+-on--+---->



   '- -collectionPath--collection-path-'   

   '- -collectionName--collection-name-'   


Provides the status of a text search collection, including the index size, the number of documents present, and the progress of index updates.

-collectionName collection-name
Specifies the text search collection for which you want the status printed.

Displays the version of the server in the following format:
  • version.release.modification.fixpack: the standard version numbering convention used by IBM products
  • protocol: number indicating the protocol that is used to serialize request arguments and data between the server and client.
  • build: number indicating the server build
For example, 
indicates server version 1, protocol 1.1, build 290
Prints the list of supported client versions.
Enables or disables tracing.
  • ON: changes the logging level to FINEST
  • OFF: changes the logging level to INFO
Prints the current trace setting.
configPath absolute-path-to-config-folder
Specifies the absolute path to the text search configuration folder.
locale five-char-locale-string
Specifies the five character locale for writing any error messages that are returned during the use of the tool. If you do not specify this parameter, the server locale is used.
Prints the Administration Tool command usage. The usage information is also printed if you run the Administration Tool without a required argument.
This option must only be used with orphaned collections. Ensure that the collection is not associated with a valid text index. Also do not delete a collection while documents are being indexed.
collectionPath collection-path
Specifies the full path to the directory where collections are stored.
Deletes the text search collection specified by collectionName
Optimizes the specified collection for faster indexing and searching.
Note: You cannot optimize an index when the indexing server is processing documents.
Prints the optimization status.


To delete a collection:
adminTool delete -configPath /opt/ibm/search/config -collectionName db2inst1_SAMPLE_TS242320_0000
To print the status of all of the collections that use the French locale, issue the following command:
	adminTool status -configPath "c:\Program Files\IBM\Search\config" -locale fr_FR 
To turn on tracing, issue the following command:
	adminTool configureTrace -configPath /opt/ibm/search/config -trace on

Usage notes

The error or trace log is, by default, written to AdminTool.0.log in the default log directory. You can format the log by using the Log Formatter tool.

Run the administration tool from the <ECMTS_HOME>\bin directory on the ECM Text Search server.
  • On Linux or UNIX systems: adminTool.sh
  • On Windows systems: adminTool.bat