DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Inserting of LBAC protected data

When you try to insert data into a protected column, or to insert a new row into a table with protected rows, your LBAC credentials determine how that INSERT statement is handled.

Inserting to protected columns

When you try to insert data into a protected column your LBAC credentials for writing are compared with the security label protecting that column. Based on this comparison access will either be blocked or allowed.

The details of how two security labels are compared are given in the topic about how LBAC security labels are compared.

If access is allowed, the statement proceeds as usual. If access is blocked, then the insert fails and an error is returned.

If you are inserting a row but do not provide a value for a protected column then a default value is inserted if one is available. This happens even if your LBAC credentials do not allow write access to that column. A default is available in the following cases:

Inserting to protected rows

When you insert a new row into a table with protected rows, you do not have to provide a value for the column that is of type DB2SECURITYLABEL. If you do not provide a value for that column, the column is automatically populated with the security label you have been granted for write access. If you have not been granted a security label for write access, an error is returned and the insert fails.

By using built-in functions like SECLABEL, you can explicitly provide a security label to be inserted in a column of type DB2SECURITYLABEL. The provided security label is only used, however, if your LBAC credentials would allow you to write to data that is protected with the security label you are trying to insert.

If you provide a security label that you would not be able to write, then what happens depends on the security policy that is protecting the table. If the security policy has the RESTRICT NOT AUTHORIZED WRITE SECURITY LABEL option, then the insert fails and an error is returned. If the security policy does not have the RESTRICT NOT AUTHORIZED WRITE SECURITY LABEL option or if it instead has the OVERRIDE NOT AUTHORIZED WRITE SECURITY LABEL option, then the security label you provide is ignored and if you hold a security label for write access, it is used instead. If you do not hold a security label for write access, an error is returned.


Table T1 is protected by a security policy named P1 that was created without the RESTRICT NOT AUTHORIZED WRITE SECURITY LABEL option. Table T1 has two columns but no rows. The columns are LASTNAME and LABEL. The column LABEL has a data type of DB2SECURITYLABEL.

User Joe holds a security label L2 for write access. Assume that the security label L2 allows him to write to data protected by security label L2 but not to data protected by security labels L1 or L3.

Joe issues the following SQL statement:


Because no security label was included in the INSERT statement, Joe's security label for write access is inserted into the LABEL row.

Table T1 now looks like this:

Table 1. Values in the example table T1 after first INSERT statement
Rjaibi L2

Joe issues the following SQL statement, in which he explicitly provides the security label to be inserted into the column LABEL:


The SECLABEL_BY_NAME function in the statement returns a security label that is part of security policy P1 and is named L1. Joe is not allowed to write to data that is protected with L1 so he is not allowed to insert L1 into the column LABEL.

Because the security policy protecting T1 was created without the RESTRICT NOT AUTHORIZED WRITE SECURITY LABEL option the security label that Joe holds for writing is inserted instead. No error or message is returned.

The table now looks like this:

Table 2. Values in example table T1 after second INSERT statement
Rjaibi L2
Miller L2

If the security policy protecting the table had been created with the RESTRICT NOT AUTHORIZED WRITE SECURITY LABEL option then the insert would have failed and an error would have been returned.

Next Joe is granted an exemption to one of the LBAC rules. Assume that his new LBAC credentials allow him to write to data that is protected with security labels L1 and L2. The security label granted to Joe for write access does not change, it is still L2.

Joe issues the following SQL statement:


Because of his new LBAC credentials Joe is able to write to data that is protected by the security label L1. The insertion of L1 is therefore allowed. The table now looks like this:

Table 3. Values in example table T1 after third INSERT statement
Rjaibi L2
Miller L2
Bird L1