DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

LBAC security labels

In label-based access control (LBAC) a security label is a database object that describes a certain set of security criteria. Security labels are applied to data in order to protect the data. They are granted to users to allow them to access protected data.

When a user tries to access protected data, their security label is compared to the security label that is protecting the data. The protecting security label will block some security labels and not block others. If a user's security label is blocked then the user cannot access the data.

Every security label is part of exactly one security policy and includes one value for each component in that security policy. A value in the context of a security label component is a list of zero or more of the elements allowed by that component. Values for ARRAY type components can contain zero or one element, values for other types can have zero or more elements. A value that does not include any elements is called an empty value.

Example: If a TREE type component has the three elements Human Resources, Sales, and Shipping then these are some of the valid values for that component:

Whether a particular security label will block another is determined by the values of each component in the labels and the LBAC rule set that is specified in the security policy of the table. The details of how the comparison is made are given in the topic that discusses how LBAC security labels are compared.

When security labels are converted to a text string they use the format described in the topic that discusses the format for security label values.

Creating security labels

You must be a security administrator to create a security label. You create a security label with the SQL statement CREATE SECURITY LABEL. When you create a security label you provide:
  • A name for the label
  • The security policy that the label is part of
  • Values for one or more of the components included in the security policy
Any components for which a value is not specified is assumed to have an empty value. A security label must have at least one non-empty value.

Altering security labels

Security labels cannot be altered. The only way to change a security label is to drop it and re-create it. However, the components of a security label can be modified by a security administrator (using the ALTER SECURITY LABEL COMPONENT statement).

Dropping security labels

You must be a security administrator to drop a security label. You drop a security label with the SQL statement DROP. You cannot drop a security label that is being used to protect data anywhere in the database or that is currently held by one or more users.

Granting security labels

You must be a security administrator to grant a security label to a user, a group, or a role. You grant a security label with the SQL statement GRANT SECURITY LABEL. When you grant a security label you can grant it for read access, for write access, or for both read and write access. A user, a group, or a role cannot hold more than one security label from the same security policy for the same type of access.

Revoking security labels

You must be a security administrator to revoke a security label from a user, group, or role. To revoke a security label, use the SQL statement REVOKE SECURITY LABEL.

Data types compatible with security labels

Security labels have a data type of SYSPROC.DB2SECURITYLABEL. Data conversion is supported between SYSPROC.DB2SECURITYLABEL and VARCHAR(128) FOR BIT DATA.

Determining the security labels held by users

You can use the following query to determine the security labels that are held by users:
SELECT A.grantee, B.secpolicyname, c.seclabelname 
FROM syscat.securitylabelaccess A, syscat.securitypolicies B, syscat.securitylabels C 
WHERE A.seclabelid = C.seclabelid and B.secpolicyid = C.secpolicyid