Information written to tables for an activities event monitor

Information written by an activities event monitor when the WRITE TO TABLE option is specified.

When you choose WRITE TO TABLE as the ouput type for an activities event monitor, by default, five tables are produced, each containing monitor elements from one or more logical data groups:
Table 1. Tables produced by ACTIVITIES write-to-table event monitors. The table name is derived by concatenating the name of the logical data group used to populate the table with the name given to the event monitor (as represented by evmon-name in the table names shown in the following table) in the CREATE EVENT MONITOR statement.
Default table name Logical data groups reported
ACTIVITY_evmon-name event_activity
ACTIVITYSTMT_evmon-name event_activitystmt
ACTIVITYVALS_evmon-name event_activityvals´
ACTIVITYMETRICS_evmon-name event_activitymetrics
CONTROL_evmon-name The CONTROL logical group consists of selected elements from one or more of the event_dbheader, event_start and event_overflow logical data groups.
To restrict the output of the event monitor to specific tables, specify the names of the logical groups for which you want tables produced in the CREATE EVENT MONITOR or ALTER EVENT MONITOR statements. Refer to the reference topics for those statements for details.

Tables produced

Table 2. Information returned for a activities event monitor: Default table name: ACTIVITY_evmon-name
Column Name Data Type Description
PARTITION_KEY INTEGER partition_key - Partitioning key monitor element
ACT_EXEC_TIME BIGINT act_exec_time - Activity execution time
ACTIVATE_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP activate_timestamp - Activate timestamp
ACTIVITY_ID BIGINT activity_id - Activity ID
ACTIVITY_SECONDARY_ID SMALLINT activity_secondary_id - Activity secondary ID
ACTIVITY_TYPE VARCHAR(64) activity_type - Activity type
ADDRESS VARCHAR(128) address - IP address from which the connection was initiated
AGENT_ID BIGINT agent_id - Application handle (agent ID)
APPL_ID VARCHAR(64) appl_id - Application ID
APPL_NAME VARCHAR(255) appl_name - Application name
ARM_CORRELATOR BLOB(0) arm_correlator - Application response measurement correlator
COORD_PARTITION_NUM INTEGER coord_partition_num - Coordinator partition number
DB_WORK_ACTION_SET_ID INTEGER db_work_action_set_id - Database work action set ID
DB_WORK_CLASS_ID INTEGER db_work_class_id - Database work class ID
MON_INTERVAL_ID BIGINT mon_interval_id - Monitor interval identifier
NUM_REMAPS BIGINT num_remaps - Number of remaps
PARENT_ACTIVITY_ID BIGINT parent_activity_id - Parent activity ID
PARENT_UOW_ID INTEGER parent_uow_id - Parent unit of work ID
PARTIAL_RECORD SMALLINT partial_record - Partial record
PARTITION_NUMBER SMALLINT partition_number - Partition number
POOL_DATA_L_READS BIGINT pool_data_l_reads - Buffer pool data logical reads
POOL_DATA_P_READS BIGINT pool_data_p_reads - Buffer pool data physical reads
POOL_INDEX_L_READS BIGINT pool_index_l_reads - Buffer pool index logical reads
POOL_INDEX_P_READS BIGINT pool_index_p_reads - Buffer pool index physical reads
POOL_TEMP_DATA_L_READS BIGINT pool_temp_data_l_reads - Buffer pool temporary data logical reads
POOL_TEMP_DATA_P_READS BIGINT pool_temp_data_p_reads - Buffer pool temporary data physical reads
POOL_TEMP_INDEX_L_READS BIGINT pool_temp_index_l_reads - Buffer pool temporary index logical reads
POOL_TEMP_INDEX_P_READS BIGINT pool_temp_index_p_reads - Buffer pool temporary index physical reads
POOL_TEMP_XDA_L_READS BIGINT pool_temp_xda_l_reads - Buffer pool temporary XDA data logical reads
POOL_TEMP_XDA_P_READS BIGINT pool_temp_xda_p_reads - Buffer pool temporary XDA data physical reads
POOL_XDA_L_READS BIGINT pool_xda_l_reads - Buffer pool XDA data logical reads
POOL_XDA_P_READS BIGINT pool_xda_p_reads - Buffer pool XDA data physical reads
PREP_TIME BIGINT prep_time - Preparation time
QUERY_ACTUAL_DEGREE INTEGER query_actual_degree - Actual runtime degree of intrapartition parallelism
QUERY_CARD_ESTIMATE BIGINT query_card_estimate - Query number of rows estimate
QUERY_COST_ESTIMATE BIGINT query_cost_estimate - Query cost estimate
QUERY_DATA_TAG_LIST VARCHAR(32) query_data_tag_list - Query data tag list
ROWS_FETCHED BIGINT rows_fetched - Rows fetched
ROWS_MODIFIED BIGINT rows_modified - Rows modified
ROWS_RETURNED BIGINT rows_returned - Rows returned
SC_WORK_ACTION_SET_ID INTEGER sc_work_action_set_id - Service class work action set ID
SC_WORK_CLASS_ID INTEGER sc_work_class_id - Service class work class ID
SECTION_ACTUALS BLOB(0) section_actuals - Section actuals
SERVICE_SUBCLASS_NAME VARCHAR(128) service_subclass_name - Service subclass name
SERVICE_SUPERCLASS_NAME VARCHAR(128) service_superclass_name - Service superclass name
SESSION_AUTH_ID VARCHAR(128) session_auth_id - Session authorization ID
SORT_OVERFLOWS BIGINT sort_overflows - Sort overflows
SQLCABC INTEGER See SQLCA (SQL communications area).
SQLCAID CHARACTER(8) See SQLCA (SQL communications area).
SQLCODE INTEGER See SQLCA (SQL communications area).
SQLERRD1 INTEGER See SQLCA (SQL communications area).
SQLERRD2 INTEGER See SQLCA (SQL communications area).
SQLERRD3 INTEGER See SQLCA (SQL communications area).
SQLERRD4 INTEGER See SQLCA (SQL communications area).
SQLERRD5 INTEGER See SQLCA (SQL communications area).
SQLERRD6 INTEGER See SQLCA (SQL communications area).
SQLERRM VARCHAR(72) See SQLCA (SQL communications area).
SQLERRP CHARACTER(8) See SQLCA (SQL communications area).
SQLSTATE CHARACTER(5) See SQLCA (SQL communications area).
SQLWARN CHARACTER(11) See SQLCA (SQL communications area).
SYSTEM_CPU_TIME BIGINT system_cpu_time - System CPU time
TIME_COMPLETED TIMESTAMP time_completed - Time completed
TIME_CREATED TIMESTAMP time_created - Time created
TIME_STARTED TIMESTAMP time_started - Time started
TOTAL_SORT_TIME BIGINT total_sort_time - Total sort time
TOTAL_SORTS BIGINT total_sorts - Total sorts
TOTAL_STATS_FABRICATION_TIME BIGINT total_stats_fabrication_time - Total statistics fabrication time
TOTAL_STATS_FABRICATIONS BIGINT total_stats_fabrications - Total statistics fabrications
TOTAL_SYNC_RUNSTATS BIGINT total_sync_runstats - Total synchronous RUNSTATS activities
TOTAL_SYNC_RUNSTATS_TIME BIGINT total_sync_runstats_time - Total synchronous RUNSTATS time
TPMON_ACC_STR VARCHAR(200) tpmon_acc_str - TP monitor client accounting string
TPMON_CLIENT_APP VARCHAR(255) tpmon_client_app - TP monitor client application name
TPMON_CLIENT_USERID VARCHAR(255) tpmon_client_userid - TP monitor client user ID
TPMON_CLIENT_WKSTN VARCHAR(255) tpmon_client_wkstn - TP monitor client workstation name
UOW_ID INTEGER uow_id - Unit of work ID
USER_CPU_TIME BIGINT user_cpu_time - User CPU time
WL_WORK_ACTION_SET_ID INTEGER wl_work_action_set_id - Workload work action set identifier
WL_WORK_CLASS_ID INTEGER wl_work_class_id - Workload work class identifier
WORKLOAD_ID INTEGER workload_id - Workload ID
WORKLOAD_OCCURRENCE_ID INTEGER workload_occurrence_id - Workload occurrence identifier
Table 3. Information returned for an activities event monitor: Table name: ACTIVITYSTMT_evmon-name
Column Name Data Type Description
PARTITION_KEY INTEGER partition_key - Partitioning key monitor element
ACTIVATE_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP activate_timestamp - Activate timestamp
ACTIVITY_ID BIGINT activity_id - Activity ID
ACTIVITY_SECONDARY_ID SMALLINT activity_secondary_id - Activity secondary ID
APPL_ID VARCHAR(64) appl_id - Application ID
COMP_ENV_DESC BLOB(0) comp_env_desc - Compilation environment
CREATOR VARCHAR(128) creator - Application creator
EFF_STMT_TEXT CLOB eff_stmt_text - Effective statement text
EXECUTABLE_ID VARCHAR(32) executable_id - Executable ID
NUM_ROUTINES BIGINT num_routines - Number of routines
PACKAGE_NAME VARCHAR(128) package_name - Package name
PACKAGE_VERSION_ID VARCHAR(64) package_version_id - Package version
PARTITION_NUMBER SMALLINT partition_number - Partition number
ROUTINE_ID BIGINT routine_id - Routine ID
SECTION_ENV BLOB(0) section_env - Section environment
SECTION_NUMBER BIGINT section_number - Section number
STMT_FIRST_USE_TIME TIMESTAMP stmt_first_use_time - Statement first use timestamp
STMT_INVOCATION_ID BIGINT stmt_invocation_id - Statement invocation identifier
STMT_ISOLATION BIGINT stmt_isolation - Statement isolation
STMT_LAST_USE_TIME TIMESTAMP stmt_last_use_time - Statement last use timestamp
STMT_LOCK_TIMEOUT INTEGER stmt_lock_timeout - Statement lock timeout
STMT_NEST_LEVEL BIGINT stmt_nest_level - Statement nesting level
STMT_PKGCACHE_ID BIGINT stmt_pkgcache_id - Statement package cache identifier
STMT_QUERY_ID BIGINT stmt_query_id - Statement query identifier
STMT_SOURCE_ID BIGINT stmt_source_id - Statement source identifier
STMT_TEXT CLOB stmt_text - SQL statement text
STMT_TYPE BIGINT stmt_type - Statement type
STMTNO INTEGER stmtno - Statement number monitor element
UOW_ID INTEGER uow_id - Unit of work ID
Table 4. Information returned for an activities event monitor: Table name: ACTIVITYMETRICS_evmon-name
Column Name Data Type Description
PARTITION_KEY INTEGER partition_key - Partitioning key monitor element
ACTIVITY_ID BIGINT activity_id - Activity ID
ACTIVITY_SECONDARY_ID SMALLINT activity_secondary_id - Activity secondary ID
APPL_ID VARCHAR(64) appl_id - Application ID
PARTITION_NUMBER SMALLINT partition_number - Partition number
UOW_ID INTEGER uow_id - Unit of work ID
WLM_QUEUE_TIME_TOTAL BIGINT wlm_queue_time_total - Workload manager total queue time
WLM_QUEUE_ASSIGNMENTS_TOTAL BIGINT wlm_queue_assignments_total - Workload manager total queue assignments
FCM_TQ_RECV_WAIT_TIME BIGINT fcm_tq_recv_wait_time - FCM table queue received wait time
FCM_MESSAGE_RECV_WAIT_TIME BIGINT fcm_message_recv_wait_time - FCM message received wait time
FCM_TQ_SEND_WAIT_TIME BIGINT fcm_tq_send_wait_time - FCM table queue send wait time
FCM_MESSAGE_SEND_WAIT_TIME BIGINT fcm_message_send_wait_time - FCM message send wait time
LOCK_WAIT_TIME BIGINT lock_wait_time - Time waited on locks
LOCK_WAITS BIGINT lock_waits - Lock waits
DIRECT_READ_TIME BIGINT direct_read_time - Direct read time
DIRECT_READ_REQS BIGINT direct_read_reqs - Direct read requests
DIRECT_WRITE_TIME BIGINT direct_write_time - Direct write time
DIRECT_WRITE_REQS BIGINT direct_write_reqs - Direct write requests
LOG_BUFFER_WAIT_TIME BIGINT log_buffer_wait_time - Log buffer wait time
NUM_LOG_BUFFER_FULL BIGINT num_log_buffer_full - Number of full log buffers
LOG_DISK_WAIT_TIME BIGINT log_disk_wait_time - Log disk wait time
LOG_DISK_WAITS_TOTAL BIGINT log_disk_waits_total - Total log disk waits
POOL_WRITE_TIME BIGINT pool_write_time - Total buffer pool physical write time
POOL_READ_TIME BIGINT pool_read_time - Total buffer pool physical read time
AUDIT_FILE_WRITE_WAIT_TIME BIGINT audit_file_write_wait_time - Audit file write wait time
AUDIT_FILE_WRITES_TOTAL BIGINT audit_file_writes_total - Total audit files written
AUDIT_SUBSYSTEM_WAIT_TIME BIGINT audit_subsystem_wait_time - Audit subsystem wait time
AUDIT_SUBSYSTEM_WAITS_TOTAL BIGINT audit_subsystem_waits_total - Total audit subsystem waits
DIAGLOG_WRITE_WAIT_TIME BIGINT diaglog_write_wait_time - Diagnostic log file write wait time
DIAGLOG_WRITES_TOTAL BIGINT diaglog_writes_total - Total diagnostic log file writes
FCM_SEND_WAIT_TIME BIGINT fcm_send_wait_time - FCM send wait time
FCM_RECV_WAIT_TIME BIGINT fcm_recv_wait_time - FCM received wait time
TOTAL_ACT_WAIT_TIME BIGINT total_act_wait_time - Total activity wait time
TOTAL_SECTION_SORT_PROC_TIME BIGINT total_section_sort_proc_time - Total section sort processing time
TOTAL_SECTION_SORTS BIGINT total_section_sorts - Total section sorts
TOTAL_SECTION_SORT_TIME BIGINT total_section_sort_time - Total section sort time
TOTAL_ACT_TIME BIGINT total_act_time - Total activity time
ROWS_READ BIGINT rows_read - Rows read
ROWS_MODIFIED BIGINT rows_modified - Rows modified
POOL_DATA_L_READS BIGINT pool_data_l_reads - Buffer pool data logical reads
POOL_INDEX_L_READS BIGINT pool_index_l_reads - Buffer pool index logical reads
POOL_TEMP_DATA_L_READS BIGINT pool_temp_data_l_reads - Buffer pool temporary data logical reads
POOL_TEMP_INDEX_L_READS BIGINT pool_temp_index_l_reads - Buffer pool temporary index logical reads
POOL_XDA_L_READS BIGINT pool_xda_l_reads - Buffer pool XDA data logical reads
POOL_TEMP_XDA_L_READS BIGINT pool_temp_xda_l_reads - Buffer pool temporary XDA data logical reads
TOTAL_CPU_TIME BIGINT total_cpu_time - Total CPU time
POOL_DATA_P_READS BIGINT pool_data_p_reads - Buffer pool data physical reads
POOL_TEMP_DATA_P_READS BIGINT pool_temp_data_p_reads - Buffer pool temporary data physical reads
POOL_XDA_P_READS BIGINT pool_xda_p_reads - Buffer pool XDA data physical reads
POOL_TEMP_XDA_P_READS BIGINT pool_temp_xda_p_reads - Buffer pool temporary XDA data physical reads
POOL_INDEX_P_READS BIGINT pool_index_p_reads - Buffer pool index physical reads
POOL_TEMP_INDEX_P_READS BIGINT pool_temp_index_p_reads - Buffer pool temporary index physical reads
POOL_DATA_WRITES BIGINT pool_data_writes - Buffer pool data writes
POOL_XDA_WRITES BIGINT pool_xda_writes - Buffer pool XDA data writes
POOL_INDEX_WRITES BIGINT pool_index_writes - Buffer pool index writes
DIRECT_READS BIGINT direct_reads - Direct reads from database
DIRECT_WRITES BIGINT direct_writes - Direct writes to database
ROWS_RETURNED BIGINT rows_returned - Rows returned
DEADLOCKS BIGINT deadlocks - Deadlocks detected
LOCK_TIMEOUTS BIGINT lock_timeouts - Number of lock timeouts
LOCK_ESCALS BIGINT lock_escals - Number of lock escalations
FCM_SENDS_TOTAL BIGINT fcm_sends_total - FCM sends total
FCM_RECVS_TOTAL BIGINT fcm_recvs_total - FCM receives total
FCM_SEND_VOLUME BIGINT fcm_send_volume - FCM send volume
FCM_RECV_VOLUME BIGINT fcm_recv_volume - FCM received volume
FCM_MESSAGE_SENDS_TOTAL BIGINT fcm_message_sends_total - Total FCM message sends
FCM_MESSAGE_RECVS_TOTAL BIGINT fcm_message_recvs_total - Total FCM message receives
FCM_MESSAGE_SEND_VOLUME BIGINT fcm_message_send_volume - FCM message send volume
FCM_MESSAGE_RECV_VOLUME BIGINT fcm_message_recv_volume - FCM message received volume
FCM_TQ_SENDS_TOTAL BIGINT fcm_tq_sends_total - FCM table queue send total
FCM_TQ_RECVS_TOTAL BIGINT fcm_tq_recvs_total - FCM table queue receives total
FCM_TQ_SEND_VOLUME BIGINT fcm_tq_send_volume - FCM table queue send volume
FCM_TQ_RECV_VOLUME BIGINT fcm_tq_recv_volume - FCM table queue received volume
TQ_TOT_SEND_SPILLS BIGINT tq_tot_send_spills - Total number of table queue buffers overflowed
POST_THRESHOLD_SORTS BIGINT post_threshold_sorts - Post threshold sorts
POST_SHRTHRESHOLD_SORTS BIGINT post_shrthreshold_sorts - Post shared threshold sorts
SORT_OVERFLOWS BIGINT sort_overflows - Sort overflows
AUDIT_EVENTS_TOTAL BIGINT audit_events_total - Total audit events
TOTAL_SORTS BIGINT total_sorts - Total sorts
STMT_EXEC_TIME BIGINT stmt_exec_time - Statement execution time
COORD_STMT_EXEC_TIME BIGINT coord_stmt_exec_time - Execution time for statement by coordinator agent
TOTAL_ROUTINE_NON_SECT_PROC_TIME BIGINT total_routine_non_sect_proc_time - Non-section processing time
TOTAL_ROUTINE_NON_SECT_TIME BIGINT total_routine_non_sect_time - Non-section routine execution time
TOTAL_SECTION_PROC_TIME BIGINT total_section_proc_time - Total section processing time
TOTAL_APP_SECTION_EXECUTIONS BIGINT total_app_section_executions - Total application section executions
TOTAL_SECTION_TIME BIGINT total_section_time - Total section time
TOTAL_ROUTINE_USER_CODE_PROC_TIME BIGINT total_routine_user_code_proc_time - Total routine user code processing time
TOTAL_ROUTINE_USER_CODE_TIME BIGINT total_routine_user_code_time - Total routine user code time
TOTAL_ROUTINE_TIME BIGINT total_routine_time - Total routine time
THRESH_VIOLATIONS BIGINT thresh_violations - Number of threshold violations
NUM_LW_THRESH_EXCEEDED BIGINT num_lw_thresh_exceeded - Number of lock wait thresholds exceeded
TOTAL_ROUTINE_INVOCATIONS BIGINT total_routine_invocations - Total routine invocations
LOCK_WAIT_TIME_GLOBAL BIGINT lock_wait_time_global - Lock wait time global
LOCK_WAITS_GLOBAL BIGINT lock_waits_global - Lock waits global
RECLAIM_WAIT_TIME BIGINT reclaim_wait_time - Reclaim wait time
SPACEMAPPAGE_RECLAIM_WAIT_TIME BIGINT spacemappage_reclaim_wait_time - Space map page reclaim wait time
LOCK_TIMEOUTS_GLOBAL BIGINT lock_timeouts_global - Lock timeouts global
LOCK_ESCALS_MAXLOCKS BIGINT lock_escals_maxlocks - Number of maxlocks lock escalations
LOCK_ESCALS_LOCKLIST BIGINT lock_escals_locklist - Number of locklist lock escalations
LOCK_ESCALS_GLOBAL BIGINT lock_escals_global - Number of global lock escalations
CF_WAIT_TIME BIGINT cf_wait_time - cluster caching facility wait time
CF_WAITS BIGINT cf_waits - Number of cluster caching facility DB2 pureScale server waits
POOL_DATA_GBP_L_READS BIGINT pool_data_gbp_l_reads - Group buffer pool data logical reads
POOL_DATA_GBP_P_READS BIGINT pool_data_gbp_p_reads - Group buffer pool data physical reads
POOL_DATA_LBP_PAGES_FOUND BIGINT pool_data_lbp_pages_found - Local buffer pool found data pages
POOL_DATA_GBP_INVALID_PAGES BIGINT pool_data_gbp_invalid_pages - Group buffer pool invalid data pages
POOL_INDEX_GBP_L_READS BIGINT pool_index_gbp_l_reads - Group buffer pool index logical reads
POOL_INDEX_GBP_P_READS BIGINT pool_index_gbp_p_reads - Group buffer pool index physical reads
POOL_INDEX_LBP_PAGES_FOUND BIGINT pool_index_lbp_pages_found - Local buffer pool index pages found
POOL_INDEX_GBP_INVALID_PAGES BIGINT pool_index_gbp_invalid_pages - Group buffer pool invalid index pages
POOL_XDA_GBP_L_READS BIGINT pool_xda_gbp_l_reads - Group buffer pool XDA data logical read requests
POOL_XDA_GBP_P_READS BIGINT pool_xda_gbp_p_reads - Group buffer pool XDA data physical read requests
POOL_XDA_LBP_PAGES_FOUND BIGINT pool_xda_lbp_pages_found - Local buffer pool XDA data pages found
POOL_XDA_GBP_INVALID_PAGES BIGINT pool_xda_gbp_invalid_pages - Group buffer pool invalid XDA data pages
EVMON_WAIT_TIME BIGINT evmon_wait_time - Event monitor wait time
EVMON_WAITS_TOTAL BIGINT evmon_waits_total - Event monitor total waits
TOTAL_EXTENDED_LATCH_WAIT_TIME BIGINT total_extended_latch_wait_time - Total extended latch wait time
TOTAL_EXTENDED_LATCH_WAITS BIGINT total_extended_latch_waits - Total extended latch waits
TOTAL_DISP_RUN_QUEUE_TIME BIGINT total_disp_run_queue_time - Total dispatcher run queue time
POOL_QUEUED_ASYNC_DATA_REQS BIGINT pool_queued_async_data_reqs - Data prefetch requests
POOL_QUEUED_ASYNC_INDEX_REQS BIGINT pool_queued_async_index_reqs - Index prefetch requests
POOL_QUEUED_ASYNC_XDA_REQS BIGINT pool_queued_async_xda_reqs - XDA prefetch requests
POOL_QUEUED_ASYNC_TEMP_DATA_REQS BIGINT pool_queued_async_temp_data_reqs - Data prefetch requests for temporary table spaces
POOL_QUEUED_ASYNC_TEMP_INDEX_REQS BIGINT pool_queued_async_temp_index_reqs - Index prefetch requests for temporary table spaces
POOL_QUEUED_ASYNC_TEMP_XDA_REQS BIGINT pool_queued_async_temp_xda_reqs - XDA data prefetch requests for temporary table spaces
POOL_QUEUED_ASYNC_OTHER_REQS BIGINT pool_queued_async_other_reqs - Non-prefetch requests
POOL_QUEUED_ASYNC_DATA_PAGES BIGINT pool_queued_async_data_pages - Data pages prefetch requests
POOL_QUEUED_ASYNC_INDEX_PAGES BIGINT pool_queued_async_index_pages - Index pages prefetch requests
POOL_QUEUED_ASYNC_XDA_PAGES BIGINT pool_queued_async_xda_pages - XDA pages prefetch requests
POOL_QUEUED_ASYNC_TEMP_DATA_PAGES BIGINT pool_queued_async_temp_data_pages - Data pages prefetch requests for temporary table spaces
POOL_QUEUED_ASYNC_TEMP_INDEX_PAGES BIGINT pool_queued_async_temp_index_pages - Index pages prefetch requests for temporary table spaces
POOL_QUEUED_ASYNC_TEMP_XDA_PAGES BIGINT pool_queued_async_temp_xda_pages - XDA data pages prefetch requests for temporary table spaces
POOL_FAILED_ASYNC_DATA_REQS BIGINT pool_failed_async_data_reqs - Failed data prefetch requests
POOL_FAILED_ASYNC_INDEX_REQS BIGINT pool_failed_async_index_reqs - Failed index prefetch requests
POOL_FAILED_ASYNC_XDA_REQS BIGINT pool_failed_async_xda_reqs - Failed XDA prefetch requests
POOL_FAILED_ASYNC_TEMP_DATA_REQS BIGINT pool_failed_async_temp_data_reqs - Failed data prefetch requests for temporary table spaces
POOL_FAILED_ASYNC_TEMP_INDEX_REQS BIGINT pool_failed_async_temp_index_reqs - Failed index prefetch requests for temporary table spaces
POOL_FAILED_ASYNC_TEMP_XDA_REQS BIGINT pool_failed_async_temp_xda_reqs - Failed XDA prefetch requests for temporary table spaces
POOL_FAILED_ASYNC_OTHER_REQS BIGINT pool_failed_async_other_reqs - Failed non-prefetch requests
TOTAL_PEDS BIGINT total_peds - Total partial early distincts
DISABLED_PEDS BIGINT disabled_peds - Disabled partial early distincts monitor element
POST_THRESHOLD_PEDS BIGINT post_threshold_peds - Partial early distincts threshold
TOTAL_PEAS BIGINT total_peas - Total partial early aggregations
POST_THRESHOLD_PEAS BIGINT post_threshold_peas - Partial early aggregation threshold
TQ_SORT_HEAP_REQUESTS BIGINT tq_sort_heap_requests - Table queue sort heap requests
TQ_SORT_HEAP_REJECTIONS BIGINT tq_sort_heap_rejections - Table queue sort heap rejections
PREFETCH_WAIT_TIME BIGINT prefetch_wait_time - Time waited for prefetch
PREFETCH_WAITS BIGINT prefetch_waits - Prefetcher wait count
POOL_DATA_GBP_INDEP_PAGES_FOUND_IN_LBP BIGINT pool_data_gbp_indep_pages_found_in_lbp - Group buffer pool independent data pages found in local buffer pool monitor element
POOL_INDEX_GBP_INDEP_PAGES_FOUND_IN_LBP BIGINT pool_index_gbp_indep_pages_found_in_lbp - Group buffer pool independent index pages found in local buffer pool monitor element
POOL_XDA_GBP_INDEP_PAGES_FOUND_IN_LBP BIGINT pool_xda_gbp_indep_pages_found_in_lbp - Group buffer pool XDA independent pages found in local buffer pool monitor element
Table 5. Information returned for an activities event monitor: Table name: ACTIVITYVALS_evmon-name
Column Name Data Type Description
PARTITION_KEY INTEGER partition_key - Partitioning key monitor element
ACTIVATE_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP activate_timestamp - Activate timestamp
ACTIVITY_ID BIGINT activity_id - Activity ID
ACTIVITY_SECONDARY_ID SMALLINT activity_secondary_id - Activity secondary ID
APPL_ID VARCHAR(64) appl_id - Application ID
PARTITION_NUMBER SMALLINT partition_number - Partition number
STMT_VALUE_DATA CLOB stmt_value_data - Value data
STMT_VALUE_INDEX INTEGER stmt_value_index - Value index
STMT_VALUE_ISNULL INTEGER stmt_value_isnull - Value has null value
STMT_VALUE_ISREOPT INTEGER stmt_value_isreopt - Variable used for statement reoptimization
STMT_VALUE_TYPE CHARACTER(16) stmt_value_type - Value type
UOW_ID INTEGER uow_id - Unit of work ID
Table 6. Information returned for an activities event monitor: Default table name: CONTROL_evmon-name
Column Name Data Type Description
PARTITION_KEY INTEGER partition_key - Partitioning key monitor element
EVENT_MONITOR_NAME VARCHAR(128) event_monitor_name - Event monitor name
MESSAGE VARCHAR(128) message - Control table message
MESSAGE_TIME TIMESTAMP message_time - Timestamp control table message
PARTITION_NUMBER SMALLINT partition_number - Partition number