failed_sql_stmts - Failed Statement Operations monitor element

The number of SQL statements that were attempted, but failed.

Table 1. Snapshot Monitoring Information
Snapshot Level Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database dbase Basic
Database dbase_remote Basic
Application appl Basic
Application appl_remote Basic
DCS Database dcs_dbase Basic
DCS Application dcs_appl Basic
For snapshot monitoring, this counter can be reset.
Table 2. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database event_db Always collected
Connection event_conn Always collected
You can use this element to calculate the total number of successful SQL statements at the database or application level:
    + static_sql_stmts
    - failed_sql_stmts
    = throughput during monitoring period

This count includes all SQL statements that received a negative SQLCODE.

This element may also help you in determining reasons for poor performance, since failed statements mean time wasted by the database manager and as a result, lower throughput for the database.

fcm_congested_sends - FCM congested sends monitor element

The number of send operations to a remote member that were delayed due to congestion. A state of congestion occurs when data sent on a network connection are blocked because previously sent data not being received at the remote member. Congestion can be the result latency in processing by the receiver, or network issues that cause packet loss and retransmission of data.
Table 3. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_GET_FCM_CONNECTION_LIST - Get details for all FCM connections Always collected

fcm_congestion_time - FCM congestion time monitor element

The duration of time that the FCM network connection to a remote member was in a state of congestion. Unit of measure is milliseconds. A state of congestion occurs when data sent on a network connection are blocked because previously sent data not being received at the remote member. Congestion can be the result latency in processing by the receiver, or network issues that cause packet loss and retransmission of data.
Table 4. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_GET_FCM_CONNECTION_LIST - Get details for all FCM connections Always collected

fcm_num_congestion_timeouts - FCM congestion timeouts monitor element

The number of times that a state of congestion on an FCM network connection did not resolve itself within the allowable time period. A timeout occurs when the sender drops the connection because the remote member was temporarily unreachable. A state of congestion occurs when data sent on a network connection are blocked because previously sent data not being received at the remote member. Congestion can be the result latency in processing by the receiver, or network issues that cause packet loss and retransmission of data.
Table 5. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_GET_FCM_CONNECTION_LIST - Get details for all FCM connections Always collected

fcm_num_conn_lost - FCM lost connections monitor element

The number of times that an FCM network connection to a remote member was unexpectedly disconnected.

Table 6. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_GET_FCM_CONNECTION_LIST - Get details for all FCM connections Always collected

fcm_num_conn_timeouts - FCM connection timeouts monitor element

The number of times outs out when attempting to establish an FCM network connection with a remote member.

Table 7. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_GET_FCM_CONNECTION_LIST - Get details for all FCM connections Always collected

fcm_message_recv_volume - FCM message received volume monitor element

The amount of data received for internal requests (such as RPCs) distributed by the FCM communications layer. This value is reported in bytes.

Table 8. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 9. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE


Use this element to determine how much of the data volume being sent through the FCM subsystem is for request or reply message traffic as opposed to actual table data.

fcm_message_recv_wait_time - FCM message received wait time monitor element

The fcm_message_recv_wait_time monitor element stores the time spent by an agent waiting for an FCM reply message containing the results of a previously sent FCM request message. This value reflects both the time required to send the response between partitions using FCM and the time required for the subagent to process the request message. The value is given in milliseconds.
Table 10. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based combined hierarchy wait and processing times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_WAIT_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for wait times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 11. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE


This element can be used to determine how much time was spent on a given partition waiting for requests to be processed on other partitions in a multi-partition instance.

fcm_message_recv_waits_total - Number of times spent waiting for FCM reply message monitor element

The total number of times that the DB2 system spent waiting for an FCM reply message containing the results of a previously sent FCM request message.

Table 12. Table function monitoring information
Table function Monitor element collection level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based combined hierarchy wait and processing times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_WAIT_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for wait times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get connection metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get package cache statement metrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - Get package cache statement metrics as an XML document ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE table function - get aggregated routine execution metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS table function - get aggregated routine execution metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get service subclass metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get unit of work metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get workload metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 13. Event monitoring information
Event type Logical data grouping Monitor switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE

fcm_message_recvs_total - Total FCM message receives monitor element

The total number of buffers received as part of an FCM reply message containing the results of a previously sent FCM request message.

Table 14. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 15. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE

Unit of work

Reported in the system_metrics document.



This element can be used to determine both the average volume per FCM message received, as well as the average time spent waiting for a single FCM message to be received.

fcm_message_send_volume - FCM message send volume monitor element

Amount of data volume sent via internal FCM requests. This value is reported in bytes.

Table 16. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 17. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE

Unit of work

Reported in the system_metrics document.



Use this element to determine how much of the data volume being sent through the FCM subsystem is used for sending request and reply message traffic, as opposed to sending actual table data.

fcm_message_send_wait_time - FCM message send wait time monitor element

The time spent blocking on an FCM message send. The value is given in milliseconds. This monitor element reflects the time spent blocking for FCM buffers to be flushed from an FCM channel when distributing internal requests on the database system.

Table 18. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based combined hierarchy wait and processing times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_WAIT_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for wait times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 19. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE

Unit of work

Reported in the system_metrics document.



Use this element to determine how much time agents are spending waiting to send an FCM request message through the FCM subsystem. Depending on how busy the FCM daemons are, an agent may need to wait when attempting to send messages.

fcm_message_send_waits_total - Number of times spent blocking on an FCM message send monitor element

The total number of times that the DB2 system spent blocking on an FCM message send.

Table 20. Table function monitoring information
Table function Monitor element collection level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based combined hierarchy wait and processing times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_WAIT_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for wait times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get connection metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get package cache statement metrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - Get package cache statement metrics as an XML document ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE table function - get aggregated routine execution metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS table function - get aggregated routine execution metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get service subclass metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get unit of work metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get workload metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 21. Event monitoring information
Event type Logical data grouping Monitor switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE

fcm_message_sends_total - Total FCM message sends monitor element

The total number of buffers distributed as part of internal requests using the FCM communications mechanism.

Table 22. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 23. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE


Use this element to determine both the average amount of data sent per FCM request message, as well as the average amount of time waited per FCM message.

fcm_recv_volume - FCM received volume monitor element

The total amount of data received via the FCM communications layer. This value is reported in bytes.

Table 24. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_FCM_CONNECTION_LIST - Get details for all FCM connections Always collected
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS - Get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 25. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE


Indicates the total volume of data received on this partition using FCM, including both message traffic and table queue data.

fcm_recv_wait_time - FCM received wait time monitor element

The total time spent waiting to receive data through FCM. The value is given in milliseconds.

Table 26. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based combined hierarchy wait and processing times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_WAIT_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for wait times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 27. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE


Use this element to determine the total time spent waiting to receive data through FCM on this database partition. This includes both data from replies to request messages as well as table queue data.

fcm_recv_waits_total - Number of times spent waiting to receive data through FCM monitor element

The total number of times that the DB2 system spent waiting to receive data through FCM.

Table 28. Table function monitoring information
Table function Monitor element collection level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based combined hierarchy wait and processing times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_WAIT_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for wait times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get connection metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get package cache statement metrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - Get package cache statement metrics as an XML document ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE table function - get aggregated routine execution metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS table function - get aggregated routine execution metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get service subclass metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get unit of work metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get workload metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 29. Event monitoring information
Event type Logical data grouping Monitor switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE

fcm_recvs_total - FCM receives total monitor element

Total number of buffers received for internal requests using the FCM communications mechanism. The fcm_recvs_total monitor element value is the sum of the values for the fcm_message_recvs_total and fcm_tq_recvs_total monitor elements.

Table 30. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 31. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE


Use this element together with the fcm_recv_wait_time monitor element to determine the average wait time per FCM receive operation as well as the average volume returned from an FCM receive operation.

fcm_send_volume - FCM send volume monitor element

The total amount of data distributed by the FCM communications layer. This value is reported in bytes.

Table 32. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_FCM_CONNECTION_LIST - Get details for all FCM connections Always collected
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 33. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE


Use this monitor element to determine the total volume of data sent using FCM, including both message traffic and table queue data.

fcm_send_wait_time - FCM send wait time monitor element

The time spent blocking on an FCM send operation. This includes time spent waiting for buffers for internal requests to be flushed and time spent waiting for window count acknowledgements when sending data over table queues. The value is given in milliseconds.

Table 34. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based combined hierarchy wait and processing times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_WAIT_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for wait times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 35. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE


Use this element to determine the total time spent waiting to send data through FCM. This includes both request messages and table queue data.

fcm_send_waits_total - Number of times spent blocking on an FCM send operation monitor element

The total number of times that the DB2 system spent blocking on an FCM send operation.

Table 36. Table function monitoring information
Table function Monitor element collection level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based combined hierarchy wait and processing times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_WAIT_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for wait times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get connection metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get package cache statement metrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - Get package cache statement metrics as an XML document ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE table function - get aggregated routine execution metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS table function - get aggregated routine execution metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get service subclass metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get unit of work metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get workload metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 37. Event monitoring information
Event type Logical data grouping Monitor switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE

fcm_sends_total - FCM sends total monitor element

The total number of buffers sent using the internal FCM communications layer.

Table 38. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 39. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE


Use this element to determine the average wait time per FCM receive operation as well as the average volume returned from an FCM receive operation.

fcm_tq_recv_volume - FCM table queue received volume monitor element

The amount of data received on table queues by the FCM communications layer. This value is reported in bytes.

Table 40. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_FCM_CONNECTION_LIST - Get details for all FCM connections Always collected
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 41. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE


Use this monitor element to determine the total volume of data received through table queues.

fcm_tq_recv_wait_time - FCM table queue received wait time monitor element

The time spent waiting to receive the next buffer from a table queue. The value is given in milliseconds.

Table 42. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based combined hierarchy wait and processing times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_WAIT_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for wait times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 43. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE


Use this element to determine how much time agents are spending waiting to receive data on table queues.

fcm_tq_recv_waits_total - Number of times spent waiting to receive the next buffer monitor element

The total number of times that the DB2 system spent waiting to receive the next buffer from a table queue.

Table 44. Table function monitoring information
Table function Monitor element collection level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based combined hierarchy wait and processing times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_WAIT_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for wait times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get connection metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get package cache statement metrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - Get package cache statement metrics as an XML document ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE table function - get aggregated routine execution metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS table function - get aggregated routine execution metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get service subclass metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get unit of work metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get workload metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 45. Event monitoring information
Event type Logical data grouping Monitor switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE

fcm_tq_recvs_total - FCM table queue receives total monitor element

The total number of buffers received from table queues using the internal FCM communications mechanism.

Table 46. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 47. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE


Use this element in conjunction with fcm_tq_recv_volume and fcm_tq_recv_wait_time to determine the average wait time and volume per table queue buffer received.

fcm_tq_send_volume - FCM table queue send volume monitor element

The amount of data sent over table queues by the FCM communications layer. This value is reported in bytes.

Table 48. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_FCM_CONNECTION_LIST - Get details for all FCM connections Always collected
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 49. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE


Use this monitor element to determine the total volume of data sent over FCM through table queue buffer sends.

fcm_tq_send_wait_time - FCM table queue send wait time monitor element

The time spent waiting to send the next buffer through a table queue. This reflects the time spent waiting for window count acknowledgements from the receiver end of the table queue. The value is given in milliseconds.

Table 50. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based combined hierarchy wait and processing times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_WAIT_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for wait times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 51. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE


Use this monitor element to determine how much time is being spent waiting to send a data buffer over FCM through a table queue.

fcm_tq_send_waits_total - Number of times spent waiting to send the next buffer monitor element

The total number of times that the DB2 system spent waiting to send the next buffer through a table queue.

Table 52. Table function monitoring information
Table function Monitor element collection level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based combined hierarchy wait and processing times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_FORMAT_XML_WAIT_TIMES_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for wait times Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get connection metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get package cache statement metrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - Get package cache statement metrics as an XML document ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE table function - get aggregated routine execution metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS table function - get aggregated routine execution metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get service subclass metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get unit of work metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get workload metrics as an XML document REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 53. Event monitoring information
Event type Logical data grouping Monitor switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE

fcm_tq_sends_total - FCM table queue send total monitor element

The total number of buffers containing table queue data sent using the internal FCM communications mechanism.

Table 54. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_FORMAT_XML_METRICS_BY_ROW - Get formatted row-based output for all metrics Not applicable; reports whichever elements are contained in the XML document provided as input to the formatting function.
MON_GET_ACTIVITY_DETAILS table function - Get complete activity details (reported in DETAILS XML document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION table function - Get connection metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_CONNECTION_DETAILS table function - Get detailed connection metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT table function - Get SQL statement activity metrics in the package cache ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_PKG_CACHE_STMT_DETAILS table function - get detailed metrics for package cache entries ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE - get aggregated execution metrics for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_ROUTINE_DETAILS - get aggregated execution metric details for routines table function REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS table function - Get service subclass metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_SERVICE_SUBCLASS_DETAILS table function - Get detailed service subclass metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK table function - Get unit of work metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK_DETAILS table function - Get detailed unit of work metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD table function - Get workload metrics REQUEST METRICS BASE
MON_GET_WORKLOAD_DETAILS table function - Get detailed workload metrics (reported in DETAILS XML document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Table 55. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Activities event_activity (reported in the details_xml document) ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Activities event_activitymetrics ACTIVITY METRICS BASE
Statistics event_scstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Statistics event_wlstats (reported in the metrics document) REQUEST METRICS BASE
Unit of work Reported in the system_metrics document. REQUEST METRICS BASE
Package cache Reported in the activity_metrics document. ACTIVITY METRICS BASE


Use this element in conjunction with fcm_tq_send_volume and fcm_tq_send_wait_time monitor elements to determine the average data volume and time waited for buffer sent using a table queue.

fetch_count - Number of Successful Fetches monitor element

The number of successful physical fetches or the number of attempted physical fetches, depending on the snapshot monitoring level.

  • For the stmt and dynsql snapshot monitoring levels and the statement event type: the number of successful fetches performed on a specific cursor.
  • For the dcs_stmt snapshot monitoring level: The number of attempted physical fetches during a statement's execution (regardless of how many rows were fetched by the application). In this situation, fetch_count represents the number of times the server needed to send a reply data back to the gateway while processing a statement.
Table 56. Snapshot Monitoring Information
Snapshot Level Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Application stmt Statement
DCS Statement dcs_stmt Statement
Dynamic SQL dynsql Statement

For Dynamic SQL snapshot monitoring, this counter can be reset.

Table 57. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Statements event_stmt Always collected


You can use this element to gain insight into the current level of activity within the database manager.

For performance reasons, a statement event monitor does not generate a statement event record for every FETCH statement. A record event is only generated when a FETCH returns a non-zero SQLCODE.

files_closed - Database files closed monitor element

The total number of database files closed.

Table 58. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Command and Level
MON_GET_BUFFERPOOL table function - Get buffer pool metrics DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics DATA OBJECT METRICS BASE
Table 59. Snapshot Monitoring Information
Snapshot Level Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database dbase Buffer Pool
Table Space tablespace Buffer Pool
Buffer Pool bufferpool Buffer Pool
For snapshot monitoring, this counter can be reset.
Table 60. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database event_db Always collected
Tablespaces event_tablespace Always collected


The database manager opens files for reading and writing into and out of the buffer pool. The maximum number of database files open by an application at any time is controlled by the maxfilop configuration parameter. If the maximum is reached, one file will be closed before the new file is opened. Note that the actual number of files opened may not equal the number of files closed.

You can use this element to help you determine the best value for the maxfilop configuration parameter.

first_active_log - First Active Log File Number monitor element

The file number of the first active log file.

Element identifier
Element type
Table 61. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
MON_GET_TRANSACTION_LOG table function - Get log information Always collected
Table 62. Snapshot Monitoring Information
Snapshot Level Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database detail_log Basic
Table 63. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database event_db Always collected
Use this element in conjunction with the last_active_log and current_active_log elements to determine the range of active log files. Knowing the range of active log files helps you determine the disk space required for log files.

You can also use this element to determine which log files have data to help you identify log files needed for split mirror support.

first_overflow_time - Time of First Event Overflow monitor element

The date and time of the first overflow recorded by this overflow record.

Table 64. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Overflow Record event_overflow -
Use this element with last_over_flow time to calculate the elapsed time for which the overflow record was generated.

fs_caching - File system caching monitor element

Indicates whether a file system caching attribute was specified or not in the CREATE or ALTER TABLESPACE statement that is used to create or alter a table space.

Value for this element are:
  • 0: File system caching was specified. Direct I/O is not requested for tables space files, usually resulting in caching of I/O in the operating system file cache.
  • 1: File system caching was not specified. Direct I/O is requested where possible for table space files, usually resulting in bypassing the file system cache. Exceptions are LOB and long field objects in SMS table spaces, where direct I/O is not requested as to allow operating system-level caching of these objects.
  • 2 (Default value): Direct I/O usage is determined at runtime based on operating system preferences, file system preferences, table space type, and object type. See File system caching configurations

The file system caching monitor element does not indicate whether or not file system caching is actually being used by the operating system.

Table 65. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Command and Level
MON_GET_TABLESPACE table function - Get table space metrics Always collected
Table 66. Snapshot Monitoring Information
Snapshot Level Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Table space tablespace Basic
Table 67. Event Monitoring Information
Event Type Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Tablespaces event_tablespace -

fs_id - Unique file system identification number monitor element

This element shows the unique identification number provided by the operating system for a file system pointed to by a storage path or container.

Table 68. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
ADMIN_GET_STORAGE_PATHS table function - Get storage path information for storage groups Always collected
MON_GET_CONTAINER table function - Get table space container metrics Always collected
Table 69. Snapshot Monitoring Information
Snapshot Level Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database db_sto_path_info Buffer Pool


Use this element together with the following elements to gather data on space utilization for the database:
  • db_storage_path
  • sto_path_free_size
  • fs_used_size
  • fs_total_size

fs_total_size - Total size of a file system monitor element

This element shows the capacity (in bytes) of a file system pointed to by a storage path or container.

Table 70. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
ADMIN_GET_STORAGE_PATHS table function - Get storage path information for storage groups Always collected
MON_GET_CONTAINER table function - Get table space container metrics Always collected
Table 71. Snapshot Monitoring Information
Snapshot Level Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database db_sto_path_info Buffer Pool


You can use this element together with the following elements to gather data on space utilization for the database:
  • db_storage_path
  • sto_path_free_size
  • fs_used_size
  • fs_id

fs_used_size - Amount of space used on a file system monitor element

This element shows the amount of space (in bytes) already used on a file system pointed to by a storage path or container.

Table 72. Table Function Monitoring Information
Table Function Monitor Element Collection Level
ADMIN_GET_STORAGE_PATHS table function - Get storage path information for storage groups Always collected
MON_GET_CONTAINER table function - Get table space container metrics Always collected
Table 73. Snapshot Monitoring Information
Snapshot Level Logical Data Grouping Monitor Switch
Database db_sto_path_info Buffer Pool


You can use this element together with the following elements to gather data on space utilization for the database:
  • db_storage_path
  • sto_path_free_size
  • fs_total_size
  • fs_id