DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Backup and restore statistics

Each successful backup and restore operation generates a single record in the db2diag.log file, which provides information on the performance of that operation. The log record is informational and is dumped at diaglevel 3 (the default) and 4.


The log records for backup and restore statistics consist of a row for each backup and restore buffer manipulator (db2bm) EDU and a row for each backup and restore media controller (db2med) EDU:

2012-07-30- E15775E1464           LEVEL: Info
PID     : 15882                TID : 46913126656320  KTID : 16001
PROC    : db2sysc
INSTANCE: krodger              NODE : 000            DB   : SAMPLE
APPHDL  : 0-18                 APPID: *LOCAL.krodger.120730194119
AUTHID  : KRODGER              HOSTNAME: hotel74
EDUID   : 49                   EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE)
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqluxLogDataStats, probe:377
MESSAGE : Performance statistics
DATA #1 : String, 951 bytes

Number of buffers = 4
Buffer size       = 16781312 (4097 4kB pages)
BM#    Total      I/O      MsgQ      WaitQ      Buffers   kBytes 
---  --------  --------  --------  --------    --------  --------
000      6.30      0.02      0.00      6.18           4       640
001      5.88      4.48      0.00      1.33           9    139536
---  --------  --------  --------  --------    --------  --------
TOT     12.18      4.51      0.00      7.51          13    140176

MC#    Total      I/O      MsgQ      WaitQ      Buffers   kBytes
---  --------  --------  --------  --------    --------  --------
000      6.36      0.34      5.94      0.00           9    114748
001      6.29      0.18      5.60      0.10           6     81944
---  --------  --------  --------  --------    --------  --------
TOT     12.66      0.53     11.55      0.10          15    196692
The meanings of the various columns are as follows:
The db2bm EDU ID
Length of time that each EDU existed
Time that was spent performing read or write I/O, to or from stable storage
Time that was spent waiting for an I/O buffer
Time that was spent waiting for a state machine control message.
Number of I/O buffers that were processed
Quantity of data that was processed
the db2med EDU ID


For compressed backups, the log record contains two additional columns for performance information about the compression operation:

2012-07-30- E38419E1913           LEVEL: Info
PID     : 15882                TID : 46913126656320  KTID : 16081
PROC    : db2sysc
INSTANCE: krodger              NODE : 000            DB   : SAMPLE
APPHDL  : 0-29                 APPID: *LOCAL.krodger.120730194132
AUTHID  : KRODGER              HOSTNAME: hotel74
EDUID   : 80                   EDUNAME: db2agent (SAMPLE)
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, database utilities, sqluxLogDataStats, probe:377
MESSAGE : Performance statistics
DATA #1 : String, 1399 bytes

Number of buffers = 4
Buffer size       = 16781312 (4097 4K pages)
BM#    Total      I/O      Compr     MsgQ      WaitQ      Buffers   kBytes     kBytes 
---  --------  --------  --------- --------  --------    --------  --------  ---------
000     12.08      4.36      7.18      0.00      0.37           5    139536     144941
001     11.87      0.01      0.01      0.00     11.79           1       640        640
---  --------  --------  --------- --------  --------    --------  --------  ---------
TOT     23.96      4.38      7.19      0.00     12.17           6    140176     145581

MC#    Total      I/O                MsgQ      WaitQ      Buffers   kBytes
---  --------  --------            --------  --------    --------  --------
000     12.07      0.11               11.76      0.00           4     49168
001     12.10      0.07               11.84      0.15           4     32808
---  --------  --------            --------  --------    --------  --------
TOT     24.18      0.19               23.61      0.15           8     81976
Time that was spent performing the compression operation
Compr Bytes
Quantity of uncompressed data that was compressed