
The QUERYNO clause specifies the number to be used for this SQL statement in EXPLAIN output and trace records. The number is used for the QUERYNO columns of the plan tables for the rows that contain information about this SQL statement. This number is also used in the QUERYNO column of the SYSIBM.SYSSTMT and SYSIBM.SYSPACKSTMT catalog tables.


Read syntax diagram

integer is the value to be used to identify this SQL statement in EXPLAIN output and trace records.

If the clause is omitted, the number associated with the SQL statement is the statement number assigned during precompilation. Thus, if the application program is changed and then precompiled, that statement number might change.

Using the QUERYNO clause to assign unique numbers to the SQL statements in a program is helpful:

  • For simplifying the use of optimization hints for access path selection
  • For correlating SQL statement text with EXPLAIN output in the plan table

For information on using optimization hints, such as enabling the system for optimization hints and setting valid hint values, and for information on accessing the plan table, see Managing DB2 Performance.