Monitoring utilities

You can check the status of any DB2® online utility jobs. You can also check the phase in which the utility is executing or stopped.

About this task

An online utility can have one of the following statuses:

Status Description
Active The utility is started.
Stopped The utility abnormally stopped before completion, but the table spaces and indexes that were accessed by the utility remain under utility control. To make the data available again, take one of the following actions:
  • Correct the condition that stopped the utility, and restart the utility so that it runs to completion.
  • Terminate the utility with the DB2 TERM UTILITY command.
Terminated The DB2 TERM UTILITY command requested that the utility be terminated.

DB2 online utility execution is divided into phases. Each utility starts with the UTILINIT phase, which performs initialization and setup. Each utility finishes with a UTILTERM phase, which cleans up after processing completes. The other phases of online utility execution differ, depending on the utility. For a list of execution phases for each utility, see the documentation for the utility.


To monitor utilities:

Use the DB2 DISPLAY UTILITY command. The status and phase is displayed in message DSNU100I, DSNU105I or DSNU106I. (All of these messages are documented under DSNU100I.)