The effect of MODIFY RECOVERY on version numbers

When you run MODIFY RECOVERY, the utility updates the range of used version numbers for table spaces and for indexes that are defined with the COPY YES attribute.

MODIFY RECOVERY updates the OLDEST_VERSION column of the appropriate catalog table or tables with the version number of the oldest version that has not yet been applied to the entire object.

If a SYSCOPY record is deleted that has an OLDEST_VERSION number that equals the CURRENT_VERSION number of the table space or index, MODIFY RECOVERY updates the OLDEST_VERSION number in the appropriate catalog table or tables with the CURRENT_VERSION number.

DB2® can reuse any version numbers that are not in the range that is set by the values in the OLDEST_VERSION and CURRENT_VERSION columns.

DB2 stores the range of used version numbers in the OLDEST_VERSION and CURRENT_VERSION columns of one or more of the following catalog tables, depending on the object:


The OLDEST_VERSION column contains the oldest used version number, and the CURRENT_VERSION column contains the current version number.

Recycling of version numbers is required when all of the version numbers are being used. All version numbers are being used when one of the following situations is true:

  • The value in the CURRENT_VERSION column is one less than the value in the OLDEST_VERSION column.
  • The value in the CURRENT_VERSION column is 255 for table spaces or 15 for indexes, and the value in the OLDEST_VERSION column is 0 or 1.

To recycle version numbers for indexes that are defined with the COPY NO attribute, run LOAD REPLACE, REBUILD INDEX, REORG INDEX, or REORG TABLESPACE.