Copies of XML table spaces

Start of changeThe COPY utility supports full and incremental image copies for XML table spaces. The COPY utility options SHRLEVEL REFERENCE, SHRLEVEL CHANGE, CONCURRENT, and FLASHCOPY are also supported for XML table spaces.End of change

Start of changeUnless either the CONCURRENT option or the FLASHCOPY option is specified, COPY does not copy empty or unformatted data pages of an XML table space.End of change

If you copy a LOB table space that has a base table space with the NOT LOGGED attribute, copy the base table space and the LOB table space together so that a RECOVER TOLOGPOINT of the entire set results in consistent data across the base table space and all of the associated LOB table spaces.

Note: Start of changeRECOVER TOLASTCOPY is not allowed on a list of objects. Instead, use RECOVER TOLOGPOINT, where the TOLOGPOINT is the common RBA or LRSN associated with the SHRLEVEL REFERENCE image copies.End of change

To copy an XML table space with a base table space that has the NOT LOGGED attribute, all associated XML table spaces must also have the NOT LOGGED attribute. The XML table space acquires this NOT LOGGED attribute by being linked to the logging attribute of its associated base table space. You cannot independently alter the logging attribute of an XML table space.

If the LOG column of the SYSIBM.SYSTABLESPACE record for an XML table space has the value of "X", the logging attributes of the XML table space and its base table space are linked, and that the logging attribute of both table spaces is NOT LOGGED. To break the link, alter the logging attribute of the base table space back to LOGGED, and the logging attribute of both table spaces are changed back to LOGGED.