CURRENT PACKAGE PATH specifies a value that identifies the path used to resolve references to packages that are used to execute SQL statements. This special register applies to both static and dynamic statements.

The data type is VARCHAR(4096). The value can be an empty or blank string, or a list of one or more collection IDs, where the collection IDs are enclosed in double quotation marks and separated by commas. Any quotation marks within the string are repeated as they are in any delimited identifier. The delimiters and commas are included in the length of the special register.

The initial value of CURRENT PACKAGE PATH is an empty string. The value is a list of collections only if the application process has explicitly specified a list of collections by means of the SET CURRENT PACKAGE PATH statement.

The initial value of CURRENT PACKAGE PATH in a user-defined function or procedure is inherited according to the rules in Table 1.

When CURRENT PACKAGE PATH or CURRENT PACKAGESET is set, DB2® uses the values in these registers to resolve the collection for a package. The value of CURRENT PACKAGE PATH takes priority over CURRENT PACKAGESET. In a distributed environment, the value of CURRENT PACKAGE PATH at the remote server takes precedence of the value of CURRENT PACKAGE PATH at the local server (the requester). For more information on package resolution, see DB2 Application Programming and SQL Guide.

Example: In an application that is using SQLJ packages (in collection SQLJ1 and SQLJ2) and a JDBC package in DB2JAVA, set the CURRENT PACKAGE PATH special register to check SQLJ1 first, followed by SQLJ2, and DB2JAVA:
The following statement sets the host variable to the value of the resulting list:
The value of the host variable would be "SQLJ1", "SQLJ2", "DB2JAVA".