Turn off statement scanning

To increase performance, you can configure DB2® ODBC to scan for vendor escape clauses only on handles that have escape clauses.

About this task

By default, DB2 ODBC scans each SQL statement for vendor escape clauses. If your application does not generate SQL statements that contain vendor escape clauses, turn off statement scanning.


To turn off statement scanning

Set the SQL_ATTR_NOSCAN statement attribute to SQL_NOSCAN_ON. You can set this attribute with either of the following functions:
Option Description
SQLSetStmtAttr() When you set the SQL_ATTR_NOSCAN statement attribute to SQL_NOSCAN_ON with SQLSetStmtAttr(), you turn off statement scanning for all SQL statements that are issued on a statement handle.
SQLSetConnectAttr() When you set the SQL_ATTR_NOSCAN statement attribute to SQL_NOSCAN_ON with SQLSetConnectAttr(), you turn off statement scanning for all SQL statements that are issued on a connection handle.