
The DISPLAY DATABASE command was issued with the LOCKS option, USE option or both, but no lock or user information is available.

Depending on the options that were specified in the DISPLAY DATABASE command, the extent of unavailable information is as follows:

  • If the SPACENAM option was specified with a list of spaces, this message indicates that no table spaces or index spaces whose names are listed have LOCK or USE information available.
  • If the SPACENAM option was specified with a range or a subset of spaces, this message indicates that no table spaces and index spaces within the specified database have LOCK or USE information available.
  • If the SPACENAM option was not specified or SPACENAM(*) was specified and a range or subset of databases was specified, this message indicates that no databases, for which the invoker has authority to display, have LOCK or USE information available.

User response

No action is required.