DSNB217I   csect-name-ONLINE RECOVERY FOR AN INCONSISTENT PAGE WAS UNSUCCESSFUL FOR DBNAME = database-name , SPACENAME = space-name , INSTANCE= instance-number , PAGE NUMBER = X'page-number'


The recovery process for an inconsistent page failed. The page is written to disk as logically inconsistent. This message is issued in response to message DSNB212I, which was issued to indicate the start of the recovery process.

The name of the control section that issued the message.
The name of the database that is associated with the recovery.
The name of the table space or index space that is associated with the recovery.
The instance number of the table space or index space.
A hexadecimal number that identifies the page that is logically inconsistent.

System action

The page is marked as logically inconsistent and is unavailable until it is repaired. The execution unit driving this function proceeds normally.

This message is non-scrollable. It remains highlighted on the console until you take the appropriate action.

User response

If necessary, use the REPAIR utility to repair the page manually. If the problem persists, contact IBM Software Support.

Problem determination

Message DSNI012I might be issued before this message to indicate the same failure. If so, a 00C90102 abend dump might help determine the cause of this failure. Otherwise, see SYS1.LOGREC for any abend that occurred between the associated DSNB212I message and this message. Use the timestamp on the log records to find this abend.